Fading Summer

August kinda snuck up on me this year. Usually we take a little vacation in July and get out of town. But this year we are having to cut back – like most everybody I know. So we stayed around here all through July and just went to the pool when we needed to take a break.

Can you believe it’s June already?

It’s Monday and it’s also the first day of June.  Where has the last 5 months gone.  Breanna and I were just talking about how fast this year seems to by flying by.  I have heard about the high temperatures here in Arizona but this is my first summer here.  The heat is different here than at home.  I’m told it’s the lack of humidity that keeps it from feeling as hot as it is.  I guess I see for myself soon enough since it’s almost summer now.

I need some safety glasses

My friend that is a cop wears safety glasses instead of just regular sunglasses.  He feels that in his line of work, he has a good change of something getting through a regular pair of sunglasses so it’s safety glasses or nothing for him.  See what happened once is he was with his partner and there was this nut with a shot gun shooting up a house.  They were the ones that were the first responders.  The guy turned the gun on their vehicle and shot.  The driver side glass shattered and a piece of it hit his partners glasses and a piece of his glasses went into his eye.  He ended up losing his eye and his job.  Now he’s stuck on a desk for the rest of his career or until something else comes along.

It’s a shame that happened to his partner because they were as close as brothers which usually happens with partners on the police force like that.  Because of that, my friend always wears safety glasses and the best part of these is they don’t look like safety glasses.  They look like regular sunglasses and stylish ones at that.  The price was great too.  They offer much more than just safety glasses too.  I have to wear them on the job so I’m trusting my eyes to the ones like he gets.

I sent Mom a gift card

I talked with Breanna a lot about my mother and my whole family in all reality and she helped me to understand a bit more.  I decided to send my mother a gift card.  I wrote her a note to go with it telling her that I wanted her to use the money on this gift card to do something special for herself like having her nails done or getting a new hairdo.  I wanted her to feel special for a change because my father was the one that kept her down in all reality.  It wasn’t that she wasn’t a good mother, it was that he wanted to control everything and she didn’t have the chance to be herself.  I don’t really want to talk about it anymore.


Mothers Day is Sunday and I have mixed feelings

I read a poem someone wrote about being a Mom and it was really good but the only problem is, it didn’t sound like my mother at all.  My mother was not what you would call a ‘good mother’ but she is my mother.  Without her, I would not be here and for that, I do thank her but do you know how hard it is to find a Mothers Day card for a mother like that?

They really need to have Mothers Day cards that say something along the lines of “I know you think you did your best but maybe you should have tried harder.”  I bet they would sell a bunch of cards like that.  I don’t now.  I can’t find a card that says what I feel so maybe I should just write her a nice little note telling her thank you for having me or something like that.  I do love my mother but I’m not so sure about how I love her.  Does that make any sense to anyone else?

Breanna makes want to be a better person

Just knowing her and seeing how warm and gentle she is with everyone makes me want to be a better person.  A friend of mine sent me an email that really hit home with me.  It really made me stop and think and try to see who others see me as and if I see myself the same way.  Here’s what she sent:

We judge others by their actions, but we judge ourselves by our intentions.

Yes, you meant to help someone with a project, you intended to give charity, you were planning on inviting your friends over for dinner, but if you didn’t do it, in their minds you had no intention, and you are judged as such. So start correcting this error. If you intend to do something – DO IT. Don’t procrastinate, don’t delay. Stop making excuses. You want to improve yourself, get out of your own way.

Now find someone you completely trust, who has your interest at heart and who can give you constructive criticism. It is often better for a friend to be this person than a spouse. And tell the person to try to remove personal bias (of how you may have hurt them or been inconsiderate). It has to be coming from a place of true concern for you. Ask them to let you know how they see you. Start with one area. Don’t take on your whole life at one time.

What you may realize is that you may not be perceived the way you perceive yourself. So work on correcting the balance and you will immediately feel more content and balanced inside. You can start changing your life for the better by starting to Think, Act and Speak differently!

It’s funny how my friend sent me this when I had already been thinking about the person I am verses the person I want to be.  It’s something each and everyone of us should do from time to time.  Take a good long hard look in the mirror and really try and see who you are and not just who you think you are.  It’s not easy either but I’m trying to be a better ‘Me’.

This is a first for me

I have never worked enough to have to file taxes but this year is the first year I had to do it.  I had no idea how to even start.  Thank God for Breanna.  She is so smart about things like this.  She showed me how to go online and put all of my information in and file right on the computer.  She also told me that I could take my tools, work boots, and even work clothes off on my taxes too.  She saved me a bundle on my taxes.

They don’t give a single young person very many exemptions and that usually means we end up having to pay.  Well thanks to Breanna, I don’t have to pay and will even get back something.  Oh sure it’s only $19 but hey, that’s a refund!!  That’s a lot better than having to pay, ya know.

Happy Birthday to my Breanna

Today is Breanna’s birthday and I have something extra special planned for us to do.  I’m taking her out to dinner at a nice restaurant and then we’re coming back here for me to give her the present I got for her.  I really hope she likes it.  It’s hard to find just the right gift for someone that’s becoming as special as she is if you catch what I mean.

She’s been the best thing I have found out here.  I have been so very blessed with meeting some great people, finding a great place to life and a really nice man to work for with a great company.  I’ve learned so very much since I have been here.  I have learned that life didn’t have to be the way I thought it was for most of my life.  Life is good so here’s what I got Breanna for her birthday.  It’s a Citizens watch I found online.  I have never seen one like this before and it made me think of her because it’s as unique as she is and just as special!


Well I got another call for a job

Breanna and I went to the bank and set up a business account with them.  That way, I can put all of my money that I make from side jobs in there in order to purchase materials or even tools that I need to make my side business grow.  She’s so smart about things like that.  I would have never thought of that.

I told her that we are going to be partners in this.  Well when I said that, she had a lawyer friend of her to write up a simple partnership agreement for us that makes it official.  The name of the business is now Hudson and Jenkins Home Improvement.  She’s the book keeper and schedules the jobs and I price the jobs, purchase materials that are needed and do the work.  She handles the money and when we get enough to buy a piece of equipment to help with other jobs, she will let me know.

This sounds like the beginning of something very special for both of us.  I wonder how far this partnership will end up going, if you know what I mean.  it’s a good way to see if we can work together, then maybe we can be together all the time.  I’m not saying that word yet because she might read this, if you catch my drift.

I got the side job!

The bathroom they wanted ceramic tile put into was small and they loved the tile I have so the materials are what I got out of the dumpster and won’t cost me a dime.  I quoted them a price and they want me to do it this coming weekend.  How awesome is that?  I wouldn’t have gotten this side job without Breanna putting up those flyer’s she made for me.

If I do a good job for these people then they just might get me even more work.  The business card Breanna ordered for e came in yesterday and they look very professional.  I’ll be sure to leave a few with the people when I complete the job if they’re happy with it that is.  I’ll make enough money on this job to buy my own tile cutter and even have some left over.  That way, the next job will gross me even more money since I won’t have to rent or borrow a tile cutter.  I’m going to ask my boss if I can borrow the one we use at work.  I don’t know if he’ll let me or not but it’s not that much to rent one if he won’t.  I’m on my way to having my own side business.