Watch Uncle Jay

You might like to watch Uncle Jay as he explains the news every Monday. This man sings and uses small words and talks loudly and slowly. He does everything to make the big news sound simple. It’s very funny if you like this kind of silly humor.

I found Uncle Jay on the Chicago Tribune web site. There are links on this site to videos from several weeks back.

Been really busy lately

Boy between work, keeping the house clean and Breanna, I have had a busy week.  I have to hit the sack by 10 pm at the latest because I have to be at work at 6 am so I’m not much of a night owl anymore.  Oh man, I got a 50 cent an hour raise this week.  They said that I’m learning faster than anyone they ever hired before.  They also said that my work quality is really good too.  Man that felt good to hear.  Especially when you’re used to hearing how you won’t ever amount to anything.  That’s why I’m where I am now and not back home.  This is more home to me than where I grew up ever was.

They have signed me up for some basic electrical classes too so I can start working towards my journeyman’s card and then my electricians license.  I can’t wait to start but I’m scared to death at the same time.  I’m not sure I can do it……..wait a minute, that’s not me talking, that’s what I have heard.  I WILL DO IT AND DO IT WELL!!  That’s better.  Now I have to go back to Lowe’s and get some electrical tools I don’t have yet so I’ll be ready for class.  I love Lowe’s.  It’s become my favorite store.

Happy New Year Everyone

I can’t believe it’s already New Years Eve.  Some of the guys from work are getting together at one of their houses and invited me to come.  They said there won’t be a lot of drinking but there will be food so I guess I’ll go for awhile anyway.  it’ll be good to see some of the guys somewhere other than work.

People are different sometimes when they’re away from work.  I am lucky enough to work with a pretty good bunch of guys that are all doing what ever they can to help me learn and I sure appreciate all they are doing.  Like today, I was helping put ceramic tile in.  I think I could even do it myself next time.  They have taught me how to replace a toilet, put in a new bathroom vanity, sink and faucet.  I have learned how to put in a new bathtub, corner shower and even a Jacuzzi tub.  I have learned a lot from them.

It has been a year full of surprises.  Not all of them good but most of them have been.  I can’t wait to see what the new year brings so bring it on 2009!!!  HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!

Six months later

Okay, now it’s six months later and I have a nice place to live, a job with some great guys that I work for and they’re even teaching me to do electrical work.  All in all, I’m not doing too darn bad for a 20 year old.  I’m slowly getting my apartment fixed up the way I want it.  Every time I do something to improve it, like lay ceramic tile in the bathroom and kitchen, they give me something off of my rent even though they know the materials come from the dumpsters on the job.

They are great people.  Mrs. Thomas is always asking if I want something they had left over at dinner.  I think she cooks extra just so she can give me some.  She’s a great cook too.  They let me wash my clothes in their laundry room which is a room off from the garage I live over.  They keep trying to get me ‘fixed up’ with a young lady but I have more important things to do with my time and money right now.  I have to take care of myself first and then maybe I’ll start looking around to see what’s available.  At any rate, I like my life right now and don’t need any complications.

I started young

I had my first job at 12.  I carried out trash for a local small restaurant back home.  They paid me $10 a day to carry out the trash and pick up the parking lot.  I would do this about 3 to 4 times a week.  I was making up to $40 a week and thought I was on top of the world.  Finally I could buy some nice tennis shoes like everyone else wore.  I could get myself a skate board like everyone else had and I could even buy some clothes that were more like everyone else’s.

See, there were three of us kids and I was the youngest.  The oldest was my brother and had a sister between us.  I got my brothers hand-me-downs mostly to wear.  Since he was 6 years older than I am, some of his clothes weren’t what the other kids were wearing at that time.  You know what I’m saying?  I looked different and felt different too.  I was a very angry kid and rightfully so most of the time.

I hated school.  Then one day I walked into Mrs. Daye’s class and things began to change.  On not overnight by any means but every time I was sent to her, she always told me she had faith in me.  She knew I was going to make something out of myself.  Because of her, that’s what I began to believe too.

So here I am working 50 hours a week doing anything from laying block for the foundation, roofing, framing and anything else they need help with.  I’m learning new things all the time and reaching higher and higher so I can be someone I can be proud of.

Hello world!

Well here I am on the Internet.  I sure hope Mrs. Daye happens across this.  She believed in me when no one else did.  I would love for her to see that I kept my promise to her and I am making something of myself.  Growing up on the streets makes you tough in a lot of ways.  Some ways you wish you weren’t so tough in and she helped me see that it’s okay to care about something or someone just because.

She asked me to promise that even if I didn’t finish high school, that I would at least get my GED, which I did and moved to Arizona.  I had always dreamed of living here.  It’s about as far away from my family as I can get and I love the dessert.  I had worked odd jobs in the housing industry and now I work for a company that builds houses and I absolutely love the style of houses out here too. I’m sort of a jack of all trades and the master of a couple anyway.

I guess maybe there’s a little bit of adventurer in me too since I moved out here not knowing anyone or anything about the area other than there were desserts here.  I can’t see myself anywhere else now.  I hope you stop by from time to time.