It’s Monday and it’s also the first day of June. Where has the last 5 months gone. Breanna and I were just talking about how fast this year seems to by flying by. I have heard about the high temperatures here in Arizona but this is my first summer here. The heat is different here than at home. I’m told it’s the lack of humidity that keeps it from feeling as hot as it is. I guess I see for myself soon enough since it’s almost summer now.
I’m calling ADT Home Security
I couldn’t believe it when my landlord told me that there have been 4 break-ins this past week in 4 houses on these two city blocks that I consider my neighborhood. This is a good neighborhood too – upscale, nice cars, yards kept mowed and clean. That’s the last thing I expected to hear from them.
I asked them if they would mind if I called ADT and has them come out to my house. They asked me what ADT was. I thought everyone knew them but I guess older people don’t pay much attention to things like that. I explained that ADT Home Security was the best home security company in the country. It’s all over the United States.
Not only do they monitor your home 24 hours a day but they do it 7 days a week so you don’t have to worry if your home or not. You know your home will be protected. The best part is they’re not expensive like some companies. The price starts at just $35.99 and that’s not bad for an ADT Alarm system. The whole system is wireless and very easy to use too. They were afraid it would be so complicated that they might trip the alarm themselves. Once I finished talking to them about it, they said they would have the security system put in both of our houses and pay the bill for the monthly monitoring themselves. They are great people.
I sent Mom a gift card
I talked with Breanna a lot about my mother and my whole family in all reality and she helped me to understand a bit more. I decided to send my mother a gift card. I wrote her a note to go with it telling her that I wanted her to use the money on this gift card to do something special for herself like having her nails done or getting a new hairdo. I wanted her to feel special for a change because my father was the one that kept her down in all reality. It wasn’t that she wasn’t a good mother, it was that he wanted to control everything and she didn’t have the chance to be herself. I don’t really want to talk about it anymore.
What’s up with this swine flu?
It seems lately that you are hearing more and more about swine flu. They are starting to call it a pandemic. What the heck does that mean for us? Is it something we really need to worry about or what? I don’t know anyone that has it and as far as this area, I haven’t heard about anyone having it.
When the news uses words like ‘pandemic’, to people like me, that sounds like we should all run to our doctor and get a shot or soemthing to prevent getting it. I’m not so sure they’re helping people not to panic about it, you know what I mean? They should speak in simple English and not cause people to panic. The panic can cause far more than the flu I bet!! I may be wrong but that’s my opinion.
Breanna makes want to be a better person
Just knowing her and seeing how warm and gentle she is with everyone makes me want to be a better person. A friend of mine sent me an email that really hit home with me. It really made me stop and think and try to see who others see me as and if I see myself the same way. Here’s what she sent:
We judge others by their actions, but we judge ourselves by our intentions.
Yes, you meant to help someone with a project, you intended to give charity, you were planning on inviting your friends over for dinner, but if you didn’t do it, in their minds you had no intention, and you are judged as such. So start correcting this error. If you intend to do something – DO IT. Don’t procrastinate, don’t delay. Stop making excuses. You want to improve yourself, get out of your own way.
Now find someone you completely trust, who has your interest at heart and who can give you constructive criticism. It is often better for a friend to be this person than a spouse. And tell the person to try to remove personal bias (of how you may have hurt them or been inconsiderate). It has to be coming from a place of true concern for you. Ask them to let you know how they see you. Start with one area. Don’t take on your whole life at one time.
What you may realize is that you may not be perceived the way you perceive yourself. So work on correcting the balance and you will immediately feel more content and balanced inside. You can start changing your life for the better by starting to Think, Act and Speak differently!
It’s funny how my friend sent me this when I had already been thinking about the person I am verses the person I want to be. It’s something each and everyone of us should do from time to time. Take a good long hard look in the mirror and really try and see who you are and not just who you think you are. It’s not easy either but I’m trying to be a better ‘Me’.
This is awful news
Here I am worried that I might lose my job and the good people of Alabama suffered a terrible fate. Two tornadoes touched down in the town of Magee. Thank God there was no loss of life but a lot of people lost absolutely everything. With the economy like it is, what a crying shame that this has to happen now of all times. Boy does my heart go out to all of the people affected by this terrible storm.
I guess I should be thankful that even if I do lose my job, I at least have side work that I can do. These people don’t hardly even have a town left in which to work in. There was one person that had to be airlifted to the University of Mississippi in Jacksonville and my thoughts and prayers are with them and their family. I wish them a speedy recovery.
I got the side job!
The bathroom they wanted ceramic tile put into was small and they loved the tile I have so the materials are what I got out of the dumpster and won’t cost me a dime. I quoted them a price and they want me to do it this coming weekend. How awesome is that? I wouldn’t have gotten this side job without Breanna putting up those flyer’s she made for me.
If I do a good job for these people then they just might get me even more work. The business card Breanna ordered for e came in yesterday and they look very professional. I’ll be sure to leave a few with the people when I complete the job if they’re happy with it that is. I’ll make enough money on this job to buy my own tile cutter and even have some left over. That way, the next job will gross me even more money since I won’t have to rent or borrow a tile cutter. I’m going to ask my boss if I can borrow the one we use at work. I don’t know if he’ll let me or not but it’s not that much to rent one if he won’t. I’m on my way to having my own side business.
Best Christmas of my life
I told you I had great people that I rent from. Well for Christmas, they gave me a months free rent. That means I don’t have to pay any rent until February 1st. I went to church with my landlord and the church gave me a box full of food too. I guess Mrs. Thomas told them about me being young and out here alone. I don’t know but now I have enough food to last for about a month I bet.
The after Christmas sales are really helping me get everything I need. Most stores didn’t do as good before Christmas as they thought they would so they really marked stuff down a lot after Christmas. I got a new pair of work boots at 40% off. I got some jeans for work at 25% off.
That allowed me to buy a mattress and box springs that are new at a local thrift store so I now have a bed. I don’t have a headboard or dressers but I have a bed. I got a set of sheets too. Luckily I have a blanket and pillow. I’m getting there.
I didn’t know it got so cold in Arizona
I came out here in June. I knew it got hot but it’s a different type of hot here. The humidity isn’t a factor like it is back home so when it hits a hundred degrees here, it’s more like eighty-five back home, or where home used to be. What has really surprised me is how darn cold it gets here. I thought it stayed kind of warm here year around. Oh well, I don’t mind the cold that bad.
I got a comment from an old friend back home on my first blog. How cool is that? I was surprised because she’s an old flame from a couple years ago. It would be nice if she does come visit. I do miss some of the people back home but I love it here and have made some great friends.
I’ve decorated for Christmas as best as I can on a tight budget. My Christmas Tree is more of a Charlie Brown type of tree because it really is a twig I got from where someone cut some off of their tree. I did spend a little money on some lights for it but I made the decorations for it. I went to a local thrift store and they had some ornaments for fifty cents. So I have a Christmas tree!! I think it’s great personally. I won’t be sending out any Christmas cards through the mail because I can’t afford it but there are plenty of cards you can send online and that will have to work this year.
My landlord told me about a 15 year old kid up the street that is in need of some guidance. His father left them a couple years ago and his mother has to work two jobs so there’s no one home to keep him out of trouble. I have become his ‘big brother’ more or less. I’m trying to get him a Game Boy for Christmas if I can scrape up enough money. He comes by every day when I get off work and helps me do what ever I’m doing that day. He’s a pretty neat kid and if I can help him stay out of trouble, then I’ve done something good.