I’m calling ADT Home Security

I couldn’t believe it when my landlord told me that there have been 4 break-ins this past week in 4 houses on these two city blocks that I consider my neighborhood.  This is a good neighborhood too – upscale, nice cars, yards kept mowed and clean.  That’s the last thing I expected to hear from them.

I asked them if they would mind if I called ADT and has them come out to my house.  They asked me what ADT was.  I thought everyone knew them but I guess older people don’t pay much attention to things like that.  I explained that ADT Home Security was the best home security company in the country.  It’s all over the United States.

Not only do they monitor your home 24 hours a day but they do it 7 days a week so you don’t have to worry if your home or not.  You know your home will be protected.  The best part is they’re not expensive like some companies.  The price starts at just $35.99 and that’s not bad for an ADT Alarm system.  The whole system is wireless and very easy to use too.  They were afraid it would be so complicated that they might trip the alarm themselves.  Once I finished talking to them about it, they said they would have the security system put in both of our houses and pay the bill for the monthly monitoring themselves.  They are great people.