I got another raise

I was totally blown away when I got my check today.  I thought they made a mistake but my boss told me it was no mistake.  He said I have been working really hard and he wanted to reward my hard work and I got a 75 cent an hour raise.  It’s not much but it sure helped.  It nice to know that your hard work is appreciated.  He wanted to give me a bigger raise but work has slowed down he said.  Once we finish this big job, there’s not another one lines up yet.

The economy is getting tighter and tighter here just like everywhere else.  I have been stock piling the left over materials they throw away hoping to get side jobs on the weekend for extra money.  Breanna even made up some business cards for me on her computer.  I have no idea how to do that but she does. She even found a site online that will print the cards she made up really cheap.  They’re cheaper than her doing them herself.  I hope it works too.

She even made up some flyers to put up here and there.  I got a call from one person so far wanting tile put in their bathroom.  I’m going out this weekend to show them the tile I have and see if I have enough to do the job.  Wish me luck but as lucky as I have been lately, I’m afraid it’s all going to end.  I sure hope not.