Money for Melons

I read a news article today that really blew me away. It turns out that the Japanese city Yubari is famous for growing a variety of called Yabari King Melons. The melons are only grown in that city and there is a limited supply.

Typically the melons are sold in pairs that are perfectly matched. Recently, one pair was sold for about $26,000 thousand dollars. I sure hope that melon was good.

Stocks moving up

While the news about stocks and bonds has not always been good these days, there are still some people who are hopeful. The stock markets on average have been moving up since the New Year has begun. This is good for most people.

I personally think that the economic news for this country will be better for the rest of this year. I am one of those who think that our country is going to take an economic upturn this year. I hope that we will all do well.