Every House

Every house that I know of has one room that is always used. That room would be the kitchen. It always seems to be one of the most central locations for people to cluster. That’s why I think it’s important to ensure that it is decorated nicely in order to make the house a home. Recently, we decided to install wine glass racks in our kitchen in order to make it look nicer.

One problem that we had in our kitchen was a lack of space. We found that we could squeeze out a little more room by taking advantage of a hanging wine glass rack. We got all the glasses off the shelf and out of the way. That gave us other opportunities to use the space we made available. Not only that, it has enhanced the look of our kitchen.

We were very happy with the results we had in the kitchen and so we thought we would try it in the basement. We have a den in the basement that has a small bar. We thought that adding bar glass racks would help our décor there as well. I am glad to say that it did and now our bar looks great. We had a small party recently and everyone liked the way it looked. I guess we will be able to throw a few more parties now, knowing that we have what it takes!

The House, Our Home

The wife and I have been working to fix up the old homestead. We have had a wonderful time working together on various projects around the house. This year, we have concentrated a lot of our effort on the outside of the house including getting our lawn and gardens into shape. We think that the outside of the house is just as important as the inside. We have worked hard to find ways to improve the view of the house from the street.

One thing we are really happy about is the addition of an address plaque. We put the plague by the street and surrounded it with plants. We also added some rocks and figurines around it. It looks great and makes it easy to find our house. We didn’t know about home address plaques before, but now that we do, we are glad to have found one that fits our style.

One of our neighbors commented on the plaque and asked for more information about it. I told him to get on the internet and type in address plaques and he would find a place to get one for himself. I am sure that over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be seeing one in front of his house as well. While I am sure that our house will never be perfect, I am glad that we made this one fine addition.

Improving The House

Over the last winter, we did a lot of work to the inside of our home. We painted and reworked our kitchen. We added some walls and finished our basement. We also bought many items such as furniture and rugs to improve the way our house looks inside. Since that work is mostly done, our attention has turned to the outside of the house. We were concerned about how our house looks from the street.

Of course we started with reworking the lawn. We added some garden space to the front yard and put in some bushes. The space looked good, but needed something more. We finally thought that adding a curbside mailbox would be a good idea. The only problem was deciding where to get one that would fit the style of our home. I went to the internet and found a site that had all the curbside mailboxes we could ever want.

The site was called mailboxixchange.com and they had what we were looking for. Since they had so many curbside mail boxes to choose from, it was hard to decide which one was the best for us. We finally decided on one that we all liked. Now that empty spot is filled and we are very happy with the results of our efforts.

A House Is a Home

We are always looking for ways to improve our house. One of the main features of any home is its furniture. Anyone who walks through the door will make an instant decision about the owners. The style of the furniture in a home tells a lot about the occupants and the way they like to live. That’s why it’s important to us to have contemporary furniture in order to tell people a little about ourselves.

My wife and I were looking to improve our standard of living. One easy way of doing this was to purchase new furniture. We wanted to redo our bedroom and were deciding what to do. We looked around the market and decided we knew what we were looking for. We both agreed that having modern bedroom furniture would be the right thing for us.

We also knew that we would have to upgrade our children’s room. Since the rooms were a little smaller than we would like, we wanted to save some space. We thought that by utilizing platform beds, we could do just that. We were right and now our kids have a lot more space for their toys and clothes. I am glad we made the decision to improve our home as we feel much better about the place.


The good news is that my daughter was recently married. The bad news is that she will be leaving town with her new husband. The newlywed couple is moving to Connecticut and they will be starting a new life together there. We will all miss seeing them on a regular basis, but it’s what they want to do. We thought we would try to make the transition as smooth as possible.

I always say that being protected is a good thing. That’s why I wanted to ensure they had adequate Connecticut home insurance. I started by looking on the internet for a reliable company to provide them with it. I found a company named Paradiso that had the insurance coverage we wanted. I liked the way the site was set up as it was affordable and easy to access. I felt good knowing I could help.

Since I was on the site and things were looking good, I decided to check out the other insurance options they had. I checked out their Connecticut auto insurance as well as the Connecticut annuities they had available. Things are looking up for them and I am satisfied that they will be protected from financial disaster. It can be hard to be a dad, but good companies like this make life so much easier.

The Fridge!!

One of the major intersections around our house is the refrigerator. It seems the kids are always in front of it and looking in. I have been known to open it and stare in myself. The thing is that I know for the most part what’s inside, but still hope to find a hidden morsel that will assuage my hunger. The fridge has many other uses as well.

We have many magnets on our fridge which hold any number of papers. Some are the kid’s school papers which have good grades on them and some contain semi-important phone numbers. Of course we have the usual amount of pizza places and Chinese take-out flyers. If you want something to be noticed, I think the best place to put it is on the fridge!


Whenever I get the chance, I like to work around the house. I am always looking for new tasks to do so that I can keep busy while improving my home. An excellent opportunity came up recently when my wife suggested that I try to install tiles on the bathroom floor. Our old floor was that cheap laminate that was getting pretty ratty looking. I thought this would be a great job to take on.

The first thing we had to decide was what type of bathroom tiles we wanted. I was lucky to find a site on the internet that was really neat. The site is called glasstilestore.com and it has a nice selection of tiles to choose from. I never knew there were so many types of tile. I even found subway tiles on the site. I knew it would take some time to figure out what tiles we wanted.

Another thing I liked about the site was the fact that we were able to learn all about the advantages of using tile in our home. That certainly made our decision to install tile much easier. I am eager to get started on the project and hope that we will soon have a beautiful new bathroom floor. I know my wife and kids will enjoy it as well.

Earth day

Today many Americans will celebrate Earth Day which is now in its 42 year. The day is all about bringing attention to environmental problems such as pollution, climate change, and finding ways to save energy.

After a little research we have found that there are many ways for every American to help out. Shutting off unused lights and installing energy –saving bulbs is one. Ensuring that your house is properly insulated is another. I hope everyone will take a minute to see what you can do to help.

Snacks for all

The super bowl is finally here. I have invited some of my closest friends over to watch the game with me. I have several that have already said they will attend. We plan to have plenty of food ready for everyone. I know they will enjoy that.

The game is always great and the half-time show should be enjoyable as well. It is always a good time for all. My house will be full and it is great to have company. This is a great land.