Balloon Boy

I am sure that nearly everybody has heard about the balloon boy. The boy was thought to be trapped in a balloon and in danger. The authorities followed the balloon until it landed, only to discover that there was no one inside. After an appearance on a talk show, it came to light that the whole deal may have been staged by the parents. In order to gain publicity for a new show they planned to start.

The parents are now under investigation and charges are pending. I hope that they throw the book at them and give them every charge they can think of. Using a child for gain is surly one of the lowest things you can do. I hope they get what’s coming to them!

Winnie the Pooh

It seems that after 80 years, there is a new Winnie- the-Pooh book out. After the original author A.A. Mills wrote his famous novel about the bear and his friends, there is now a sanctioned sequel out with new adventures. I must say that I am looking forward to reading this book and enjoying more adventures of this wonderful bear. I hope it is as good as the critics say it is!

God Bless

Once again we heard a weird story in the news today. It seems that three New Jersey boys failed to stand during the playing of God Bless America. Shortly after the song had played, the boys were asked to leave the ballpark. The boys are suing and there is some confusion as to what really happened.

The boys say that no one asked them to stand and so they did not. Stadium guards declined to give a reason as to why the boys were asked to leave. The whole mess has caused some hard emotions on both the boys and others who respect the song.

Barn Doors

With the hot summer approaching, we are ready to turn the air-conditioner on. I always try to wait as long as I can before doing so, as you know how expensive it can be. I explained to the kids that they must use common sense and make sure to close the doors and windows so we don’t end up air-conditioning the whole world!

As it happened, I was the first to break the rules I had just laid down. When taking out the trash the other day, I left the door open behind me as I was just going to be a second. The problem was that I got distracted and was delayed in coming back. When I did, the kids were waiting for me and they all gave me a lecture about leaving doors open. I guess I deserved it.

Stop Calling!

It’s the same old story. Every night when I get home and am just getting ready to relax, the phone rings. Whether it’s a telemarketer or someone asking for a donation, they seem to call every night. I really dislike the time before an election. Those automated calls from the politicians get on my nerves. They call when they need a vote, but do they call once in a while just to see if I’m ok? There are others as well.

The ones I really dislike are from my credit card company. It seems that every time I use my credit card, they call to see if I really used it. I know they are trying to prevent crime, but do they need to call over a purchase of $3.30? What thief would steal three dollars and thirty cents? I am really serious about this matter and am starting to ask to be put on the no-call lists. I hate to waste my time doing it, but it seems there is no other choice.

My tools, your tools

One thing that really bothers me is when someone uses my tools and does not put it back where it belongs. The kids seem to be the main culprits and I get on them all the about it. When I go to find a tool that I know I have and it’s not there, I get a little upset! My wife is bad about this as well. I am very particular about my tools and have spent a great deal of time and money assembling them. When I need a tool I expect it to be there.

I was thinking about buying a whole other set of tools and laying down the law about their use. I think that I may do so. I’ll have my tools and everyone else can share the others. This way, I’ll have mine when I need them!

Hello world!

Well let’s see if I can come up with something really cool that will bring you back to read my blog from time to time.  I think I’m a writer at heart but we shall see now won’t we?  My concerns are for the future.  Not just my future but the future of the world.  Global warming is a major concern because I would like to have kids some day and don’t want to only have to tell them about birds, trees and all the wonders of nature.  I want to show them the real thing, ya know.

So I guess I’ll end up writing a lot about global warming and other things that I feel are relevant to not only my life, but your too maybe.  I do hope you stop by and see what I have to say occasionally.  I just might make you think or give you an idea of what you can do to help.  It could happen.