Short People – The Song

It seems as if songwriter Randy Newman didn’t win a whole heck of a lot of short friends when he wrote his 1977 hit “Short People”. The song was a hilarious parody, from a guy who was not vertically challenged. Randy Newman is 5 foot, 11 inches. Go figure.

Shut up and drink your beer

This is a terrific recording by the old country singer Doye O’Dell from the late forties. I found the record, a while back at a flea market paid $1 for it and took it home because I liked the funny title, then I went to and found it there!  It’s a great tune, inspired by Irish music.

4 Years Old & Playing Jambalaya!

Don’t miss this. The kid playing the “Button Accordian” is 5 years old and is Hank Williams Jr’s son. The little guy is awesome.

Turn the volume to its highest and enjoy the jambalaya!

This little guy is simply fantastic. Turn on your speakers and enjoy.

He’s Large!

There’s a scene in the movie, Popeye, where Olive Oil is hanging out with her girlfriends and she starts to sing a song about her fiancé, Bluto. She tries to sing of his virtues, but the song ends up, “He’s large,” and the girls sing along like backup singers, “Large.” That was the polite way, back in the 1980’s, to describe guys like me. I’m large and I’m not all that worried about losing weight. I’m not fat. There is a difference between large and fat.

My problem with being large is finding clothes that fit. For some reason a lot of U. S. manufacturers have decided that men who are wide must also be short. If I can find clothes that fit me around the waist, the legs are too short. If I find a shirt that is large enough for my barrel chest, then the sleeves are too short. That is why I shop for Large Men’s Clothing online. I know the measurements that I need and I can usually get enough details from the web site to know if the clothes will fit me.

Enjoy the video, thanks to YouTube! I’ve always been a Popeye fan and was thrilled when this movie came out. I think it’s time to dig that movie out and watch it again, probably been ten years since I’ve seen in last!

Wrapping My Brain Around Half Chaps

The first time I heard someone talk about half chaps, I just couldn’t wrap my brain around the concept of just half of a chap. Now chaps aren’t something that are discussed much, so I hadn’t really thought about the half chaps that they are now selling of which so many of the equestrians of the world are wearing these days.

So when my oldest niece asked for a pair of half chaps for this Christmas I had to look a bit online and see what they are all about. is a great website for all kinds of equestrian gear and equipment which has a good amount of half chaps of which I took some time and checked out. They were actually cheaper and better looking than I had thought they were going to be, so I ordered her a pair for Christmas. The look on her face when she opened up the package was just fantastic! Her mom actually got a video of her shaking the box, trying to guess what was in it and then just ripping it open and the look of surprise and happiness when she got it open and realized what they were.

Box Office Failure

One of my favorite action movies by someone other than Mel Gibson has got to be the original “Speed.” The movie had a great cast: Keanu Reeves – gorgeous, intense, the clean cut, cop-type everyone loves to love Dennis Hopper – one of the best bad guys EVER – Sandra Bullock – America’s darling – Jeff Daniels – Imaginative casting – from slapstick to a cop – and it worked! Can you believe it has been 19 years since that movie came out? IT was released in 1994. Now that certainly makes me feel so OLD!

One of the worst sequels of all time, Speed 2 was made with a lot of the same people, with the noticeable absence of Keanu Reeves, and released in 1997. It was a box office failure – and rightfully so. The movie was a money grab and had so many technical inconsistencies that it was neither believable nor entertaining. The set for the huge crash ending was supposed to be the Caribbean town of St. Martin, but according to Wikipedia, there is no town by the name in the movie and there is not town that looks anything like the scene in the movie. So I stand by my original comment that the Isla Moin Marina in Costa Rica was used as the basis of the movie set in Speed 2. Unless this town did not exist in 1996, in which case I wonder if the architect was inspired by the movie?

The New Video Chat Lights

My sister has been talking up the video chats to me, that so many people are using and enjoying, saying that I should start looking into getting on to a few video chat rooms, just to be able to socialize a bit. I have been blowing her off with every excuse that I can think of, most of them were true though. I am super busy around here taking care of everything that needs to be done all on my own. At the end of the day I’m pretty beat and not in the mood to go anywhere except to the kitchen, the living room and then to bed.

Since I do spend so much alone time, it certainly does get lonely. The holidays are always the worst so I think I just might check into some of the sites that my big sis has been telling me about. But first I want to look into the video chat lights that are out that helps make your video image look more pleasing. I need all the help that I can get. I’m just a farmer, not at all fancy like and haven’t worn anything but jeans in well over 6 years! Just stating a fact.

Running Up That Hill, Without the TV Set

With everything that needs to be done around the farm and the house by me, myself and I, I don’t usually have a whole heck of a lot of down time, but when I do I really like to kick back with a cold beer and watch an hour or two of some good action or comedy shows and/or movies. You would think that with all the channels that I get with my current Direct TV package that there would be several things on tonight, but that just wasn’t the case.

I started to watch a movie on one of the Showtime channels called Bellflower but after staring at the screen for over 10 minutes and still not catching on to the plot or being entertained at all I couldn’t deal with this movie another minute. The good news is that at the beginning of the movie they played a song that I swear I haven’t heard or even thought about in well over 15 years “Running Up That Hill” but I they only played about 45 seconds of it, just enough to tease me into turning off the TV and turning on my computer to try and find this song on YouTube. I had no idea that there were several versions of it, but it didn’t take too long to find the one that I was used to hearing, the one by Kate Bush.

For some reason this song just moves me, not in a bad or depressing way, mind you. I really can’t explain the feeling, but it is a good one and those feelings are hard to come by lately so I’m going to take it and run up that hill!