Christmas Trees

Well today is the day I’ll be cutting my Christmas tree.  I’m one of the lucky folks who has the ability to just walk out to the “back forty” and cut down a tree off of my own property.  Just one of the benefits of having a farm, I guess!  You can plan your own Christmas tree needs and take care of that with very little trouble.  I was noticing that the live Christmas vendors are selling live trees for $60 and up this year!  I think that is a pretty steep price!  And a lot of the live Christmas trees that consumers buy off of tree lots (and some farms) are covered with chemicals used to control pests.

I don’t spray my trees, so I’m confident that whatever tree I bring into the house is chemical free.  And for every tree that I cut down, I plant three in its place so I don’t feel too bad about wreaking havoc on the environment by cutting down a tree on my own farm.  I think that if I didn’t have that option of cutting down my own tree on my own farm that I’d probably buy an artificial one – they don’t cost that much anymore and are easy to care for.  The only problem with them, as far as I’m concerned is where to store them in the “off season!”

fresh cut
Can’t Get Any Fresher Than This


English Assignment

My niece’s English homework assignment required this paragraph that she wrote. Good writing for a fourteen year old!

On a cold winters night, she stands there in the middle of the forest. Her hair as black as the night sky, swaying in

breeze. Her voice as sweet as your favorite candy, while singing the woodland a lullaby. And once their all asleep,

she swiftly falls onto the ground, sleeping, waiting for morning to arrive.


No Jam Shredding

We are having our first family birthday celebration in the year 2016, come the end of February, and then it seems that we will be having birthdays none stop up until June then it will slack off until the month of September rolls around and then they will be popping up every other day it seems like. All the way up to Christmas and New Years, then it’s time to start all over again. Having a large family has many positive things to offer its family members in so many ways. But one of the major draw backs is the amount of birthdays that we end up with all year round.

Anyway my kid brother, Andy, is the first to have a birthday in the year and he is a leap year baby at that. Of course that brings on many challenges in it’s self and trying to find him a good birthday gift can be strenuous. But this year I happen to know that he is looking for a decent strip-cut shredder for this office of his self owned body shop.

Businesses hasn’t been all that good the past couple of years so he has had to make some cuts here and there in order to keep the business alive and running. He has a dozen employees relying on him to keep things from going too sour. They are a great group of people that are much like an extended family to my brother, his wife and his kids and to many others in the immediate family (like myself) and we don’t want to see anything bad happen to any of them.

So anyways I have the perfect gift picked out for him to use in his office, which he spends so much time in with all the lovely paperwork that is required with just about anything these days. I’m seriously going to get him a Swingline, DS22-13 paper shredder, I’ve found one online. It is said to be Non Stop Jam Free, it has Auto shut down, it’s made for moderate shared usage and it shreds credit cards, staples, CDs and paper clips. I’m hoping he will enjoy it and use it, all he needs is for someone to get their hands on all of his financial information, that would not be good. So we shall see how that all pans out.


I don’t get many trick-or-treaters out here to the farm.  Never have had many of them, we live so far out in the boonies, and our driveway is a very long distance from the road.  So I don’t bother laying in a stock of Halloween candy for trick-or-treaters.  I just lay in a stockpile of quarters and if anyone shows up I’ll give them a couple of quarters.  I figure that when I was a kid I would have much preferred money to candy anyway!  Parents don’t have to worry about kids getting too much of a sugar high from quarters, either!  I figure it’s the perfect “treat.”

Your Money Or Your Life!

Daylight Savings Time Ends at 2:00 a.m.

Tonight is a night that I look forward to all year long, each and every year. At 2:00 a.m. we are all supposed to set our clocks back one hour and to let Daylight Savings Time end for the year 2015. This is not my favorite “holiday” life is so much better when it stays lighter out for longer periods of time.

Right in the middle of summer is actually stays light until after 9:00 p.m., which is so awesome. Since I spend so much of my time outside in the yard and the garden that time of the year and I tend to wait for the sun to go down and it becomes dark to to in the house to start to fix,cook, and eat dinner, some of the summer time my dinners aren’t until almost 11 o’clock, sometimes midnight!

Anyway, don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour tonight folks.

a great question
Gotta Love This

Amazing Rainbow

This picture has become very well known by now, on TV, in the newspapers and magazines alike and of course all over the World Wide Web. I don’t like beating a dead horse but this is just to special not to post here.  It’s all in the timing, as they say!

pre 9/11 rainbow
Becoming The Most Well Known Rainbow In The 21st Century

Mantyhose, Not your Mom’s Pantyhose!

I ran across a very odd story about how men are proudly wearing pantyhose and a that new product called Mantyhose is now on the market specifically for men to wear, for a variety of reasons. It seems that men have been wearing women’s pantyhose for quite some time now, for support, comfort and aesthetic purposes.

This story stated that European men have been sporting hose for several years, but the trend has been slow to catch on in the U.S. Steven Katz, who is a co-owner of Ohio-based Comfilon came up with the idea for creating men’s pantyhose after surfing the Internet and finding complaints from men who were frustrated about their lack of options. Many men who wear “mantyhose” say it isn’t them or even other guys who are embarrassed -it’s mostly their wives and girlfriends.

The Atlanta-based Luxelegwear with whom makes these European hosiery brands available around the world, has sold 75 to 80 percent of its products to men since it started in 2005.

How Dumb Do You Have To Be?

I know that I’m not a parent (at least I don’t think I am!) but I’d like to think that I’d be a pretty good one down the road.  I mean that I think I have at least some common sense that would keep my child from falling out of an open second story window!  I’m saying this as a result of reading an Internet story about an incident that happened in New York a while back, where a baby fell out of an open second story window.

Thank goodness the baby is safe, it was an odd chance of fate that a postal worker was under the window trying to deliver a package when the baby fell on top of the postal worker!  The postal worker managed to catch the baby!  The mother says she put the baby on a bed beside an open window, turned her back for a moment and the baby seized that moment to crawl out the open window and fall out.  So just how dumb do you have to be to put a baby in a position where the baby could even get near an open second floor window?  For crying out loud, put the baby on the floor!  Put strong screens or bars on the window!

There are some people are just too stupid to be parents, and yet they ARE parents anyway.  The stupid gene continues to proliferate.

Necessary Help for Today’s Teens

The stories of folks looking for teenager addiction help are far from fading away.  The statistics are more than alarming concerning abuse that is still heavily on the rise with our kids, the same kids that will be running the show in the next decade or two or three, if we have any left that are willing and capable of doing so. Now that is a scary thought indeed.

There are a good number of teen treatment program websites all over the Internet full of information and that are offering their help with today’s youth, along with help for a good amount of adults that are struggling with substance abuse as well. Dr. Drew’s Celebrity Rehab show, which is on VH1 I believe is helping people understand and bringing to light a lot of the problems that go along with addiction issues. I can only prey that people are watching and that he is able to help people, no matter what age they are, with this crisis that is affecting way too many people these days. The world has certainly gone crazy, something has to come about and soon folks.