Birdhouses and Feeders

My parents used to love putting up birdhouses, they really enjoyed finding interesting birdhouses and feeders here and there and the back part of the yard is filled with numerous varieties of them that are still hanging about. Some are really old and in bad shape, so I’ve been contemplating taking some of those down and trashing them and looking for some new ones to replace them with that would fill in the gaps that will be left.

My father made some of them that are out there himself and I hate to toss any of those out, guess I’ll have to take all things in consideration when I take on this task. Dad was a very handy man and made so many things that I have to decide upon what to do with at some point, not a cheerful chore to even to think about.

This one is my all time favorite. I have no clue where he came up with this one, but it has always fascinated me. I don’t know if he made it or if he bought it or was given to him. Too bad I’ll never know the story behind it.

multi housing
My All Time Favorite