We are having our first family birthday celebration in the year 2016, come the end of February, and then it seems that we will be having birthdays none stop up until June then it will slack off until the month of September rolls around and then they will be popping up every other day it seems like. All the way up to Christmas and New Years, then it’s time to start all over again. Having a large family has many positive things to offer its family members in so many ways. But one of the major draw backs is the amount of birthdays that we end up with all year round.
Anyway my kid brother, Andy, is the first to have a birthday in the year and he is a leap year baby at that. Of course that brings on many challenges in it’s self and trying to find him a good birthday gift can be strenuous. But this year I happen to know that he is looking for a decent strip-cut shredder for this office of his self owned body shop.
Businesses hasn’t been all that good the past couple of years so he has had to make some cuts here and there in order to keep the business alive and running. He has a dozen employees relying on him to keep things from going too sour. They are a great group of people that are much like an extended family to my brother, his wife and his kids and to many others in the immediate family (like myself) and we don’t want to see anything bad happen to any of them.
So anyways I have the perfect gift picked out for him to use in his office, which he spends so much time in with all the lovely paperwork that is required with just about anything these days. I’m seriously going to get him a Swingline, DS22-13 paper shredder, I’ve found one online. It is said to be Non Stop Jam Free, it has Auto shut down, it’s made for moderate shared usage and it shreds credit cards, staples, CDs and paper clips. I’m hoping he will enjoy it and use it, all he needs is for someone to get their hands on all of his financial information, that would not be good. So we shall see how that all pans out.