Sea World in the Winter

My older sister has made arrangements to take her family to Sea World Orlando, Florida and is trying to talk me into going along for some much needed time away from the farm. As much as I would love to get away, I’m afraid that I don’t have anyone, at this point, who will be able to take over all of the duties here at the farm that are needed in order to survive each and everyday, morning, noon and night.

Sis went online and found a great deal that is giving her a 2nd day for free at Sea World and she jumped on the chance for a winter get a way in sunny Florida and having fun at the very popular Sea World. She went to where she found discounted tickets for sale and needs to know as soon as possible who all will be attending in order to take advantage of this 2nd free day offer.

As I said, I’d love to go, it sounds like a blast and all but the time just isn’t right for me at this point. It was nice of her to think of me and to try and do something nice, but everything has a time and a place and now isn’t the time. I’ve emailed her with my reply and have asked her take plenty of photos and videos to bring back. Then one day she can come over with the kids and share them with me in the near future. I don’t get much company around here and it is always good to see her and the kids, they often enjoy giving me a hand around the place during their visits which is always welcomed.

Dilemma solved

Yesterday my cousin Chrissy dropped in, her kids Amanda and Heather in tow.  She stopped in to invite me to her place for Christmas dinner, and noticed that the tree was still sitting there, naked as a jay bird.  So she and her kids took off their coats, placed a request for some hot chocolate and Christmas music, and we rolled up our sleeves and decorated the tree together.  That was really nice of them to do that with me.  I had a good time; it was good to have some family time putting up the tree.  Thanks Chrissy, Amanda and Heather!  You did a great job!

Good turnout

The local fire & rescue department held a fund-raising pancake breakfast with Santa Claus this morning down at the community center.  They asked me to help out, so I went down there and helped serve the pancakes and sausage.  It was a nice time, seeing a lot of neighbors that I haven’t seen since my parent’s funeral.  I got a lot of invitations to come drop by and see them during the holidays.  Of course I said I’d try to work it into my schedule.  It was fun seeing how excited all of the children got when Santa arrived to hand out a few gifts that parents had brought in ahead of time.  Of course Santa arrived (and left) on a fire truck, sirens blaring!  I’m thinking about learning to drive an ambulance and volunteer to be a driver for them since I live so close by to the station.  I’ll have to make a point to talk to them about it more when we’re not busy serving up breakfast!

Little by little

Well I did find the perfect little tree to cut down last weekend.  I decided on a three foot tree to put on a small table in front of the parlor window so that people can see it when they drive up the driveway at night.  I don’t want a larger one because I don’t think I’ll have a lot of time to decorate it.  After cutting the tree I brought it up to the house and let it rest for a few days before bringing it into the house.  I couldn’t find the tree lights that we used last year, so I had to go to the store and buy some new.  That was annoying, I KNOW I had hundreds and hundreds of them, but I can’t find them anywhere!  Anyway, I strung the lights on the tree last night, I hope to get the decorating finished by the end of this weekend.

Snow making at Yellowstone Park

I was really surprised to read today on the LATimes website that Yellowstone Park is going to be using snow machines to make snow in the park this winter.  I guess I never thought about why in the world a National Park would even think about doing something like that?  Seems to me that the Park is supposed to be all about nature, and if it snows then fine, if it doesn’t snow, well that’s fine too!  But the article was talking about how making snow in the park would allow snow coaches and snowmobiles to use the park in the winter.  To be honest, I’m not so sure that is a great idea or not!  I don’t have anything against snow coaches or snowmobiles, its’ just something I never really thought about in the context of them being in Yellowstone!  What do YOU think?  I’d like your opinion!

Happy Independence Day

Well, Happy Independence Day y’all!  As I’m sure you realize, farming is a 24/7 job, so I have to squeeze in my celebrations where I can.  I’ve been invited to a neighbors for a cook-out this evening and to watch fireworks, so after I’m done with my daily chores I’ll be heading over.  My neighbor says he’s got some pretty good fireworks and I’m looking forward to seeing what he’s got!  I really enjoy fireworks, I think it’s a shame that so many people are stupid about using them and get hurt.  Their stupidity costs us smart ones the chance to buy really good fireworks.  Oh well, we will deal with what we’ve got and enjoy them while we can still get them. 

There’s been talk about the state outlawing ALL fireworks of ALL kinds, even those stupid little sparklers.  I couldn’t give a rat’s behind about the sparklers; I think they are lame anyway and parents give them to their kids and then the kids get burnt – stupid -stupid – stupid.  But I do hope that they don’t outlaw fireworks completely.  Maybe they should make everyone take some kind of intelligence test before they let them buy them!  Go down to the DMV, take the test, get a license to buy, and then they have to present their license at the fireworks stand!

The Hulk movie

My friend and I went to go see The Hulk movie matinee today.  We had our misgivings; The Incredible Hulk movie we saw a while ago just wasn’t very good.  But this version we both like a lot better.  The story line was better, the special effects were great, the acting was great, and I think that when the DVD comes out I’ll be buying it to watch the movie a few times again!