Lap band seems to become a very popular way for people to reduce their weight, which is a good thing all the way around. I’ve just heard that a family member (a distant cousin) who lives out in California, just received this surgical procedure and couldn’t be happier or healthier. He has been struggling with weight issues from day one, that side of the family comes from “large stock” but he is the first one to have this done, so I’m sure the rest will be following in suit soon.
He had the procedure done by a company that he located online at Topsurgeons dot com, where he read lap band testimonials a plenty and called their toll free phone number of 1-800-GET-SLIM and talked at great length with their top surgeons before consenting to have this new and improved procedure done for himself, which has changed his life so drastically.
To watch their lap band before and after video, one only has to go to their website, it has a lot to offer people that are contemplating this type of procedure. You may also receive a free lap band finance evaluation and see all the other procedures that they are offering in their many California locations.