Scrubs For Today’s Fashion Conscience Medical Professionals

Surfing the net I ended up at a site that offers a wide variety of surgical scrubs for sale. We all have been seeing a lot more folks wearing some unique scrubs that have come on the market these past few years. The days of our medical personnel only wearing  those awful white medical lab coats are long over with. Today’s fashion conscience medical professionals are now sporting some pretty cool uniforms that helps them express themselves more and more.

Check out the different men’s scrub hats that are out there……

And this colorful women’s scrub hat that is made for folks with long hair that is put into a pony tail….

Television Service Providers

With so many Direct TV Options available with their program packages, you can’t go wrong with choosing them for your television viewing needs and pleasures. I’ve switched over to DirectTV satellite since coming back home to the farm, my parents had been relying on cable for so many years that I figured the place was due for an upgrade.

Since I had previously been a customer of DirecTV,  it didn’t cost me anything to have it transferred over to the farm house, the whole process was easy and economical as well. And since I have all ready earned a few hundred dollars from referring customers to them, I eagerly look forward to earning some more cash rewards with folks that I run into that are not currently subscribers with Direct TV and are looking for a change due to the digital converter boxes that are soon going to be needed by many people.

Mytvoptions dot com is a good resource tool for figuring out which television service provider is best suited for your needs in your particular service area. You only have to place your zip code in the box and the information for all pertaining to available providers is there for your choosing.

Sheetz For Convenience

I have to say that Sheetz gets my business for their gas, their cigarettes and their milkshakes. Sheetz usually has the cheapest price in town for gas and there isn’t anyone anywhere that can beat their tobacco prices. Their milkshakes I discovered by accident but I’m glad that I did because they are really good milkshakes at a decent price.

Getting three cents a gallon off if you have them scan your Sheetz card. That is a big plus in my book.

three cents off a gallon of gas
Sheetz Rewards

Muscle Cars – Making A Come Back

My good friend, that lives only a few miles from me, it totally into restoring cars. Many the old muscle cars that we are seeing more and more of on the roads these past couple of years. You can be that the driver of the car will at least be in their 40’s and most likely having a mid life crisis, much like the guys you see driving the old souped up Corvettes all these years that we have all laughed at watching them cruise down the road.

It is so cool that so many of the older cars are making a come back. Mustang’s right now seem to be ruling the road, once again, and now I’m seeing some pretty cool Chevy Camaro that are making a come back. These newer models are great to see making a comeback and it appears that there are plenty of parts available. CARiD is one of the places that you can find the chevy camaro accessories. They have been in the business since 2003 and are based out of Edison, NJ. My buddy relies on them a lot when he needs custom and OEM parts for his many projects that keep him busy day in and day out.

oldies are goodies
Muscle cars are making a big come back

Mending Fences

Today I spent all day mending fences – literally.  Last night a drunk driver ran off the road and through a large section of my fence.  Thankfully the police notified me that the fence was broken before I let the cattle out into that pasture.  I would have been really upset to have to try to herd the wayward cattle back after they had escaped!

So today I had to spend most of the day mending fences.  The worst part about it was the memories it brought back about how my parents were killed by a drunk driver.  I think that all cars should be equipped with a breathalyzer box and the car refuses to start if the driver has had too much to drink!

mending fences
Fencing For Cattle