I could have sworn that there were plenty of tarps in the back shed that I was counting on using in a month or so, but I’ve looked time and time again and they are no where in sight, so I’m counting on using the Internet to find the best deals possible on a few good quality canvas tarps. I can’t stand those cheap cheesy looking blue tarps that we all see in a lot of folks drive ways and yards, they just stand out like a sore thumb, when I really think they should be blending in instead of being an eye sore to their neighbors.
Running this farm along with the house and all, it is always good to have plenty of tarps on hand. My father always bought good quality tarps, he refused to buy them from Home Depot or Walmart because he said they were not worth their salt in weight and so I would like to continue with his ways and wishes as much as I can. So I am going to take advantage of some of the promotions that are out there for online shoppers like myself and see what I can come up with, soon like.