A Free Bankruptcy Consultation

Since my sister’s husband was in a car accident several years ago and the whole mess has left them penniless, since he can’t work, as well as all of the medical bills that have been piling up, she is seriously considering a bankruptcy free consultation to see if that is the route that would be in their best interest.

No one wants to declare bankruptcy, it isn’t a fun experience and it doesn’t come cheap, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Bankruptcy laws have changed since I went through that whole process, but I can honestly say that when it is all over and done with, it is worth all the time, effort and money.

I hope that this free consultation gives her the information and the encouragement she needs to get things over and done with. In the meantime they will keep trudging along and keep screening their house phone calls from all the creditors that are after them right now.

Out With The Old, In With The New

I’m finding that there are many things around this old place that are in need of repair or replacement, it seems to be a never ending battle. Last night I went to turn the Lamps on in the bedroom beside the bed and one of them wouldn’t turn on. The first thought was that it just needed a new bulb, so I tried that and that didn’t do the trick, sigh……

These old vintage Desk Lamps have been in the house since I can remember and I know that my mother really cherished them, but I’m afraid that they are in need of being replaced at this time. I really don’t want to go out and run from store to store in order to find a new set of lamps, so this weekend I’ll be searching online to find some to purchase. A much easier task that having to run into town.

Since it would make sense to buy one of the new Low Voltage Halogen Lamps, in an effort to reduce the energy being used thus reducing my electric bill each month, I’ll be looking for a pair of these to use. This isn’t something that I planned on doing over the weekend but I do need light in the bedroom and there isn’t an over head light in there to use.

Wood Crafting

Since I spend so much time here at the family homestead, I have consented to help my sister with some of her wood craft projects. There are plenty of machines and tools here all ready that our father used so it just makes sense to make some use out of them with this wood crafter wood crafts that sis is finding herself getting into these past couple of months.

I have a little bit of experience with most of the equipment, tools and machines that are every where I turn in most of the out buildings. But this is a good time for me to see which ones are still working, which ones need some maintenance, and which ones did to go and free up some of the clutter around here.


Could not sleep last night, so I turned on the TV and thought it might bore me back to sleep. I rarely stay awake past the late night news. Every once in a while I try to watch a little of the David Letterman Show. But honestly, it’s hard to stay up that late and be productive the next day.

For some reason I could not sleep and the Letterman Show was long over with. After his show was another talk show / variety show kind of thing with a guy named Craig Ferguson. He was funny, but in a forced and giddy way. I don’t know that I liked his show much. Then, after that is some celebrity gossip show. I could care less which celebrities are arrested for DUI or getting divorced. I thought surely that would put me to sleep. But no.

Then, they ran an old episode of Star Trek the Next Generation. I could not believe that clock said it was after 2:00 am and I’m still awake. So then, they started a commercial to sell something to do with buying and selling foreclosed homes. That’s what finally did it – that infomercial put me to sleep within the first couple minutes of that boring show.

Sterling Silver Jewelry

It used to be that you had to go to a flea market to get a good deal on sterling silver jewelry and other such items that now a days you can go online and find good deals on. I still enjoy going to flea markets now and then, but most of them are full of used baby items and junk that you can find at the dollar store. I have no use for any of that type of stuff.

Once in a while you can find a dealer that has some good quality items at a great price, but that seems to be a rare occasion now a days.

New York Flower Delivery

Normally I would ask one my sisters for her assistance with the ordering of flowers. These days there is no excuse for me not to be able to tend to this task myself right online. No more calling around blindly asking for price ranges and verbal descriptions for the available arrangements by the numerous florists found in the local phone book. Within a matter of minutes you can have all that information put right before your eyes to feast and ponder on.

There are deals to be found online. Petercooperflowershop.com is offering free delivery for all online orders and has low prices, no service fees, and same day service as well. Since they live in the upper part of New York, using a local New York Flower Delivery only makes sense.

Our great aunt and great uncle are soon to be celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary and I think that sending them a nice arrangement of flowers will do quite nicely. My great aunt’s favorite color is purple and I’ve found the perfect flowers that I’m looking forward to putting a smile on her face for and on their special day. It is too bad that my parents aren’t around to help celebrate this huge anniversary with all of us. I know my mother was very tight with Aunt Pearl back in the day. I consider this $45 to be money worth spending on this particular celebration.

purple love and laughter for under $45
Love and Laughter