So Many Beds, So Little Time

As I’ve been talking about here lately that after spending some time now sleeping in the bed here at the farm that most be as old as the original farmhouse decor, I have decided that I really need to invest in a new bed that will be better for my aching back. After putting so much time and effort into the place, plenty of blood, sweat and tears have been placed into the daily work routine and I just can’t do it all anymore with a sore back each morning.

I have been doing some looking around online to see what types of beds are out there these days, I want to find one that is good quality, fits in with the rest of the furnishings in the old place and it definitely needs to be affordable at this point. Man have I been surprisingly overwhelmed with all of the selections that are now being produced and being offered these days, but I was happy to find one particular site at that has a few that have caught my eye and I want to check out further that are in their Antique beds category.

A good quality bed is an investment and not something that I will take lightly, but I really need to make a decision soon, as these cold winter mornings are bad enough without starting them with an aching back!

The Right Kind of Bed For A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is such an important human condition. Sometimes I hate the way that our bodies require sleep – it is such a disruption to the day or night to have to stop and lie down for 6 hours. But a good night’s sleep is important to your health and ability to function well the next day. On a good night, I might be able lie down for 8 hours. To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I’ve slept longer than 8 hours uninterrupted. Most night’s I’m good with between 6 and 8 hours of good sleep.

There are several considerations to a good night’s sleep and one of the most important is a comfortable, supportive bed. This becomes even more important as our bodies grow and mature, with our skeleton and muscles needing proper support and rest. The right bed can mean the difference between a completely relaxing and sound sleep, or a night of tossing and turning with fits of wakefulness. I have had my eye on certain pieces of new furniture that I would like to replace or add to this household. In my opinion, the most important room in the house is the master bedroom. Everything else in a house can be replaced or substituted outside of the home, but the one main reason a man comes home at night is so that he can climb into his own bed.

Shopping for a new bed is worth a little time and effort to find the right bed, considering how important the bed is to a good night’s sleep. I found a web site called with all kinds of bed types – a large variety of styles and different types of beds for every home or person. My favorite beds on this site are the storage beds. There are different types of storage options and they make the bed very practical. Since the bed takes up so much space in the room, it makes total sense to me to make good use of the space under the bed to store items not used often. These beds make storage either attractive or hidden, at a cost similar to beds without the storage features.

The New Video Chat Lights

My sister has been talking up the video chats to me, that so many people are using and enjoying, saying that I should start looking into getting on to a few video chat rooms, just to be able to socialize a bit. I have been blowing her off with every excuse that I can think of, most of them were true though. I am super busy around here taking care of everything that needs to be done all on my own. At the end of the day I’m pretty beat and not in the mood to go anywhere except to the kitchen, the living room and then to bed.

Since I do spend so much alone time, it certainly does get lonely. The holidays are always the worst so I think I just might check into some of the sites that my big sis has been telling me about. But first I want to look into the video chat lights that are out that helps make your video image look more pleasing. I need all the help that I can get. I’m just a farmer, not at all fancy like and haven’t worn anything but jeans in well over 6 years! Just stating a fact.

Always Feeding That Printer

Well the search is on for a good buy on my dell 3115cn toner that I am figuring on needing here pretty soon. It is something that I have kept thinking about doing but it kept getting put on the back shelve time and time again and now I can’t waste anymore time dilly dallying around until the last minute. It really bites when you want and or need to print something out only for the printer to spit out the most god awful copies of the documents that you need right away.

The are many highly competitive companies out there vying for our business for our printing equipment and all of the necessary accessories that keep us happy printing campers. And finding them online makes it such an easier task to tackle trying to find the best bang for your buck. I always look for sales, coupons, discounts and free shipping is a must on every order or it doesn’t get ordered. Hopefully I can find the sweetest deal possible this weekend and order at least two or three of them in an effort to keep me printing for some time and not have to go through this again for a good long while.

Running Up That Hill, Without the TV Set

With everything that needs to be done around the farm and the house by me, myself and I, I don’t usually have a whole heck of a lot of down time, but when I do I really like to kick back with a cold beer and watch an hour or two of some good action or comedy shows and/or movies. You would think that with all the channels that I get with my current Direct TV package that there would be several things on tonight, but that just wasn’t the case.

I started to watch a movie on one of the Showtime channels called Bellflower but after staring at the screen for over 10 minutes and still not catching on to the plot or being entertained at all I couldn’t deal with this movie another minute. The good news is that at the beginning of the movie they played a song that I swear I haven’t heard or even thought about in well over 15 years “Running Up That Hill” but I they only played about 45 seconds of it, just enough to tease me into turning off the TV and turning on my computer to try and find this song on YouTube. I had no idea that there were several versions of it, but it didn’t take too long to find the one that I was used to hearing, the one by Kate Bush.

For some reason this song just moves me, not in a bad or depressing way, mind you. I really can’t explain the feeling, but it is a good one and those feelings are hard to come by lately so I’m going to take it and run up that hill!

A New Drill Press Vise On The Top Of My Wish List

Well it looks like I know what I am going to ask Santa Claus to bring me this year. I don’t have the money in my budget for a new drill press vise, so for all the folks that keep asking me what I want for Christmas I can honestly give them a good idea for something that I want and need and will use and will really appreciate this year.

So instead of the same old gift basket(s) crap that usually finds its way to me (people just don’t use their imagine or brains much anymore when it comes to buying gifts for guys) just maybe I’ll get a real man’s gift a tool, or at least the money or a gift card that can be used to buy one, the right one.  This is a tool that I depend upon quite a bit these days with all the work that this place demands of me. It’s a good thing that I don’t need it right away for anything right this moment and I can only hope that nothing comes up in the mean time that warrants the urgent need for one, but one never knows now do they?


Hot Apple Cider

This is fast becoming the type of day where a nice hot cup of apple cider, with a shot of some spiced rum will taste mighty good. I was all set to make myself a cup when I noticed that it wasn’t even noon yet and decided that I should wait a few more hours at least before indulging. I’m not a serious drinker what so ever, but on cold and wet days such as this, it sure would be a nice treat and certainly only one shouldn’t be an issue. Some warmth on the inside sounds like heaven at this point.

For the most part I rely on hot coffee, but some times a guy needs to switch it up and I’ve never really been into drinking hot tea, even though they have a trillion different varieties and flavors out there on the market these days.  So a hot cup of apple cider once in a while is a nice change of pace with or without the spiced rum. Of course after dinner while kicking back on the sofa watching a game or the news a nice cold beer always tastes good no matter what the weather is like outside.