Rave Clothing

Received a short but sweet email from my 12 year old niece today, she is turning 13 in a few weeks and is passing around birthday hints and wishes by way of the Internet this year. Hard to believe that she will be a teenager, and she is growing straight and tall, built much like her mother, and will be breaking many hearts in the up and coming years, you can be sure.

She is just now getting into and paying attention to today’s newest fashions and has requested numerous clothing items for her birthday. She sent me the link to the site that has several pieces that she is wishing for and I’m going to go ahead and order her the rave pants that she is drooling over, after checking with her mother first, of course.

Shooting The Breeze

Spent the afternoon talking computers with my brother-in-law, the family computer geek. Although most of what he talks about I really don’t have a clue on, but I usually walk away learning something. Today it was about secure data backup, not something that I really have to worry about but it was interesting non the less.

It felt good not having to ask him over to take care of any of my computer/Internet issues, it was just to basically hang up and catch up, since I haven’t really seen him since the 4th of July. We had a few cold beers, ate some chow and spent a few hours on the front porch enjoying a nice day that only got into the mid 80’s. A nice change from this extremely hot and humid summer that we have had to deal with. As much as I hate the winter I’m almost ready for the cold weather, this heat has been sucking the life out of me.

Takes Money To Make Money

So many people have been telling me that I should start using eBay to sell off some of the stuff around here that I don’t have a need for. Either that or have a couple of yard sales, to be honest holding a yard sale would be nothing but a major pain in the rear. I don’t have the time to gather, sort, fix, price and all the other necessities that are needed in order to have a yard sale.

My sister is going to come over in the next couple of days to assist me in getting an eBay account started and show me what all it takes to get a few items put on there to start out with. I really need to buy some sort of scale that I can weigh the items with for shipping and handling purposes. I thought we had one around here but darned if I can put my hands on it, so I’ll just go ahead and purchase one. After all it takes money to make money, right?

Week End Guests

I’ve been extremely busy, trying to get the house ready for next weekends company. My guests are my sister and her hubby, along with their two kids. I haven’t seen them in ages because they live very pretty far away from this area. They are arriving next Friday morning and spending the whole weekend, so I needed most of today to do my shopping and cleaning, and get the guest room ready.

I hope that we will be experiencing some nice weather next week-end, so that we all aren’t stuck in the house for the majority of their visit.

New Pennies

For years there have been rumors about the possibility of the Government discontinuing the production of pennies. They say with the cost of living going up and up, that pennies should become obsolete. I’ve never agreed with that presumption and think that pennies will always have a place in American society.Today I read an article that the Government has come out with new designs for the penny. That’s quite a 180 from never making any more to coming out with 4 new designs!

I haven’t seen any of these new pennies, not sure if they are out yet or not. From what I understand people are hanging on to their pennies, being led to believe that in a few years the pennies older than 1986 will be worth a lot more than one cent. I’ll believe it when I see it, in the mean time I’ll keep adding pennies to my penny jug, the same one I’ve been dumping them in for years.


What Is The Best Debt Relief Plan?

Most of us are still reeling from the recent turn of events with the economy, well I guess it isn’t all that recent, this has been going on for over 5 years now. And it is most unfortunate that there really doesn’t seem to be any form of light, what so ever, at the end of this long dark tunnel.

There is a lot of debt relief advice out there that we have all heard from friends and relatives, co workers, neighbors, at church, in magazines, books, lawyers, credit companies and of course it’s all over the Internet. From what I gather there really isn’t a quick fix or a one size fits all plan that fits everyone in every situation. What I would do, as I do with most advice, I read and listen, ask a lot of questions and then take what I want from it all, use what I can, toss out the rest with the garbage while hoping and praying that I’ve done a good job with all that I have. The rest I leave in God’s hands.

Look It Up On The Internet

It just really floats my boat that you can turn on your computer, go straight to Google, which many of us have as our Home Page anyway, and type in something as simple as “house for sale louisville ky” and badda boom, badda bing, you’ve got some of the most up-to-date and accurate information right there in front of your sweet Baby Blues.

I can’t tell you how often I ask someone a question and instead of them supplying me with the answer or telling me that they don’t know, I am told to “Look it up on the Internet” don’t get me wrong the Internet is awesome but sometimes I worry that we depend on it too much and what the consequences of that will be for all of us and at what point.


Leaking Issues in the Basement

Upon making a quick trip down to the basement, trying to make my way to the root cellar, that stores many food items during the year, I noticed that there was some water on the floor in one corner. It appears that I am in need of a new sump pump. I worked on this piece of ancient equipment myself for a while and finally gave up and came back upstairs to my computer to see what I can find about getting this leaking basement and sump pump issue resolved. I haven’t a clue as to who my parents would have called for this type of problem, this wasn’t an issue that was ever talked much about, so I had to start from scratch on this one, so I’m glad that I have Internet access and was able to use it to my advantage for locating a good company to contact for immediate service, which I found at B-Dry.com.

At their website, they gave me an opportunity for a quick and free estimate, but I just skipped through that due to the urgency of this matter and gave the closest office a call, toll free of course, and they are coming up late this afternoon to assist me with this mess. One of their new submersible sump pumps will be the first order of business and then I would like to talk with them about addressing the leakage problem and give me their free estimate at that time.

It is always something is seems, but I guess it all comes with running and maintaining a house and home, and this old home is in need of some hard work along with some love and care.

Too Much Paper and Plastic

With so much paper and plastic that we find necessary to carry around with us, my wallet can no longer contain everything that I need to have with me, it barely fits into my pants pocket anymore and it sure makes it uncomfortable to try and sit down most of the time.

I really don’t want to carry a briefcase with me, that just seems to conservative for my taste and lifestyle. After all I do live and work on a farm which is pretty much out in the boonies and only own two suits, so a briefcase just isn’t a good match. So I have ordered myself a nice jansport messenger bag online and am anxious to receive it, any day now and see if using a messenger bag will help the wallet situation.