I may sound old-fashioned but I just talked with my youngest sister about this and she says that I’m too conservative. But I really feel strongly that when a guy asks a girl out on the first date, when the bill arrives it should be the guy that pays. It’s just the thing to do to make her feel special and his best chance to impress his date.On later dates and different circumstances, if the girl agrees in advance to go “dutch” then that’s OK. But the first date is all about impressing the other person, and a guy who comes off as broke or cheap just isn’t going to make the cut.
Critters Everywhere I Turn
Over the years we have had numerous wild and interesting animals that have found their way into the back yard. Everything from opossums, raccoons, ground hogs, ducks, skunks, and even a wounded dear have ended up spending time in our side and backyard, much to our amusement and entertainment.Last week a neighbor was coming to our back door to return something that she had borrowed from my mother’s kitchen years ago and had to back off because she saw something on the porch that didn’t look like any type of dog or cat that she had ever seen before and she turned around and went back home and immediately called me on the phone to let me know that there was some type of critter that kept her from coming to the door.
Come to find out that it was a porcupine, a good sized one at that, and I spent a good 1/2 hour trying to catch the darn thing so that I could box it up and take it and release it back into a good wooded area. I even called animal control, and being that it was late at night they where closed and I had to leave a message, by the time we got a return call I had already taken care of the situation. The man didn’t believe me that is had been a porcupine and he actually came over to the house to discuss it, and it proved to be good thing that we took a picture of the darned thing before I released it, it was the only way that we could get him to believe that it actually was a porcupine. And the fact that I still had a few of it’s quills that had fallen off of it during all of the activities of the chase and capture.
So I have come to the conclusion that we are in need of a few good animal traps, because I am way too old to be chasing these wild critters around any more. I checked the Internet and found a good company called Havahart that offers a GREEN approach to critter control with a better way for the environment, more “earth friendly” and a more humane way for the animal.
I’ve decided to purchase their Havahart Easy Set Raccoon Trap, which I believe should be suitable for the majority of animals that we have had to deal with these past years. The only other animal that I can think of that hasn’t shown up at our place, beside lions, tigers, and bears, is an armadillo, it could be just a matter of time and this cage would even handle that, if needed.
To Be Able to Continue On
We (the surviving family) have all found out how important it is to have a good life insurance policy. We thank the good lord that our folks put the life insurance cost issue on the table years ago knowing how important it is to have such details taken care of for the surviving family members to continue on without the extra worry concerning finances that a good life insurance policy will take care of.
Cosmetic surgery is becoming more of an option for people, it is so much more available and becoming more affordable, and of course financing is all ways an option for these types of popular procedures.
We are finding ourselves a society over flowing with obesity, young and old, a very critical health situation that is overloading the systems due to the problems that are related with over weight and obesity issues.
With the advancement of technology, liposuction has become a necessity for so many folks, and. finding a reputable surgeon in so very important. Who hasn’t heard the horror stories of cosmetic surgery gone bad these past years, doing your homework and some good research is a must.
The Internet comes into play here, with all that it has to offer, such a good researching tool for issues such as this. I have a good friend that has been over in the U.K. for the last ten years, that we keep in touch with utilizing email, for the most part. He has always had a weight problem and is excited with the prospect of taking advantage of liposuction.
I’m glad to hear that he took his time and did a good amount of research and found a company that has a website of Mya.co.uk, and he is scheduled for this procedure sometime next month. They offer a good finance program that he is willing to commit to and is very happy with their prices.
I wish him all the luck in the world, he will only miss a few days of work and will need to commit to a good diet and a good exercise regiment, to keep the weight off for good.
Trade Up and Save
The idea of being able to Trade Up and Save appeals to me since keeping an old outdated computer around just doesn’t make sense to me. My PC is a total dinosaur and I need a newer one, big time. So I’ve been checking out cheap desktops online and found a site that offers display models at big discounts as well as the opportunity to trade up as well. A double bonus that will hopefully get me and my computer needs and wants taken care of soon.
The Global Food Shortage Crises
I was reading on the Internet an article titled “How to end the Global Food Shortage.” The article was explaining that the US Government subsidizes the US farmer fifty one cents per gallon to divert their corn to biofuels. The article was also explaining that a lot of the third world countries could grow a lot more of their own food if they could get a little bit of help with getting good seed, fertilizer, and irrigation techniques.
I was very disappointed to read that the US Government was subsidizing the farmers to divert their corn from the food market. Other plants can be used to make biofuel that are not part of the world’s food supply. Is there no end to the stupidity of the Government?
Nail Fungus, Going Natural
I have always tried to do what is best for our planet, our country and my health, without good health the deck is stacked against you, and can’t afford that gamble. Since growing up on a working farm with parents that came from the “old country” I have learned so many home remedies and am familiar with so many environmental issues as well.
Unfortunately one health concern never came about, as far as I can recall, is the issue of nail fungus, something that I do believe I am experiencing as of latek on two of my fingers on my left hand. So I took some time to look around on the Internet and found at Forces-of-nature.net, where they sell 100% natural certified organic treatments, and have several Nail Fungus Treatment products for sale and appear to be very affordable.
I would hate to make an appointment with the doctor and spend good money on an office visit, only to be handed an expensive prescription to be then taken to the drug store. All of this would take a good amount of gas and time, so I’m decided to give this natural solution a shot and have placed an order with them today. I’m glad that they accept PayPal, a good amount of online businesses are lacking that feature still and I am always happy to see the PayPal symbol along with the Visa, MC & Discovery ones being advertised.
The Traveling Ministers
I’m not big on going to church; but I am a spiritual person. I will say that prayer hasn’t helped me much, though. I’ve been getting annoyed at the frequent visits by certain religious groups that come knocking on my door wanting to convert me to their own religions. I don’t feel right pushing my religious beliefs on anyone else, and I really don’t appreciate other people trying to push their beliefs on mine.
Don’t get me wrong, the people are polite and passive enough, but just getting up to answer the door to find someone who wants to bear witness to me about their religion is a very aggravating thing. Although not as annoying as the people wearing orange sheets selling carnations at airports used to be! I do wish their religions would alter their ministry methods, I find their methods quite intrusive.