Guest post written by Alex Hunt
It’s always a big deal to get my kids to stay inside when it isn’t really warm enough for them to play outside. My kids are especially prone to colds, even though they eat well and take their vitamins, so I worry about them playing outside in colder weather. But it’s almost spring time and they’re a little more restless now because of it. So I’m trying to find some activities for them to do inside that are spring-y.
I thought that it would be really fun to try and make some birdhouses with the kids. While I was looking up some easy kids’ birdhouses directions I saw info regarding DEBT COUNSELING. As I was looking up some more info on it and how it would affect my family’s debt, I decided to use the counseling services.
I found all kinds of little birdhouse directions to make with the kids and I decided on the simplest one that I could find. Plus, it will be a lot more fun to actually paint the birdhouses than to just assemble them.