I was reading that there was a study done about animals detecting the earth’s magnetic field. The study showed that cows and deer tend to align their bodies in a north-south direction. The scientists say they are surprised that hunters and herdsmen and farmers didn’t notice it. Who says farmers didn’t notice it? Did they ask any farmers? Maybe farmers noticed it but were too busy farming to care about something like that and get all excited about it and report it to a scientific community. I mean really, why would a farmer even think that anyone would care about something like that? Big whoop!
Mending fences
Well yesterday was a little more work than I had planned on. Some drunk lost control of his truck and ran off the road and through one of my fences. Some of the cattle escaped the pasture. So I had to spend several hours rounding up the escapees and moving them to a different pasture while I mended the broken fence. This happens from time to time, so I always have the materials on hand to mend the fences, but it is always an aggravation when it happens. I wish all cars and trucks had a meter in them that tested the breath of the driver and if they register as having too much alcohol in them the vehicle wouldn’t start. It was a drunk driver that caused the accident that killed my parents, so I don’t have a lot of patience or empathy for any of them.