I Want To Brag A Minute

Okay, I want to brag for a minute or so. I’ve been working really hard to keep my new year’s resolution to work out 3 times a week and so far I’ve been doing great with that. But, That’s not what I want to brag about. I want to brag about the fact that my kitchen has been spotless for the past 12 days.

My sink has been spotless every night before I go to bed and the dishes haven’t piled up because I do a load every night as soon as the dishwasher is full. Then in the morning I empty while I’m making myself coffee so the sink never has a chance to have a dirty dish left in it because the dirty dishes can go straight into the dishwasher as soon as we are done with them.

It has felt absolutely amazing to go to bed and wake up with a clean kitchen. I don’t know what inspired me but I hope that I can continue it because it feel s amazing. I suppose it will just take some discipline and determination to keep going and to not give up.  Why would I want to stop doing something that makes me feel so fantastic?

Exercise and Workout Update

Well, it’s been a few days now since my husband and I started on our journey to exercise and work out three times a week. To be fair this week was short because we decided that we would only work out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings before work. This week we only had  Wednesday and Friday.

It hasn’t been that bad really so far. I wasn’t thrilled about waking up an extra hour early to work out at first but I’ve realized that it will ultimately force me to try to get to bed at a decent hour. I suppose that this New Year’s resolution will ultimately be two in one because if I don’t get enough sleep I won’t be able to exercise well in the morning. I’m always saying I need to get more sleep or go to bed earlier. Well, this will help me get that goal accomplished as well.

So we have one week down only fifty one more to go. I wonder how I’ll feel the closer we get to the end of the year. I’m also wondering how long  it will be before we slack off on accident or if we will be able to stay focused and on track.  I really hope that by us doing this together we don’t’ lose our momentum and fall off the wagon. Just a few weeks in and I’m sure it will become our natural routine.