Halloween Parties for Grown Ups

This Friday night is when all the adults get to have their Halloween parties. The clubs and condo party rooms will be full of people in costumes, eating spooky snacks and having lots of fun. Downtown will be especially interesting this weekend, with just about everyone local going out in costume and only the out of towners still in street clothes.

Halloween is actually Saturday night, I am glad that I can go out and have some fun with my friends this Friday and then stay home to pass out candy to the kids on Saturday night.

What Happened to All of the Trick-or-Treaters?

This year was a bit disappointing with the trick-or-treaters for Halloween. Our family went all out decorating our house for the big day. We had lots of inviting decor both on the inside of our house and out.  We had friendly decorations, nothing spooky.  I didn’t want to scare any of the little kinds, not to mention our own kids.

In preparation for the big night I bought countless bags of candy.  Last year because I had an injury I stayed home to pass out the candy and had lots of fun and was really looking forward to doing it again this year.  Over a 5 hour period we might have had 20-30 kids visit out home.  I was utterly devastated.  I was really excited to see all of the kids in their costumes and have them tell me what they were if I wasn’t quite sure.  I did get to see a few creative costumes.  One little girl came as a Lipton Tea bag, and her sister was a bubble gum machine.  They really had truly original costumes.

I have way too much candy left over.  I don’t want to keep in my home because I know the kids will want to devour it all, or maybe I might.  We already limit the candy intake the kids have and it will just be an added temptation for them.  I’m going to do some searching to find something to do with all of this left over sugar I have laying around.  Oh I just remembered, the program about sending the candy to our troops.  That will be a great way to get rid of it and do something nice.

Halloween Decor Inside and Out

Halloween is almost here.  I’m soo excited to see all of the kids this year in their costumes.  I’ve been stocking up on extra candy to hand out.  Every sale I’ve noticed I’ve bought at least 3 big bags of the good candy.  I don’t ever want to be known as the house with the crappy candy.  For almost the past month I’ve been diligently adding to the decor both inside and out of our home.

We have twinkling orange and white lights on the patio.  I have cute little bats with smiling faces hung up along he rails of the porch.  They are covered in pretty black and purple sparkle glitter.  There are friendly giant spiders sitting in plastic spider webs.  I can’t stand the kind that look too real and get in your face and hair.  It always creeps me out and makes me think I’ve actually walked into a real spider web.  We also have bales of hay set out with friendly scarecrows welcoming visitors.

Inside we have fall colored flowers set on our table surrounded by a wreath of sticks and twine.  I got a bunch of decorations on sale last year after the holiday marked down by at least 75%.  The picture frames are one of my favorite finds.  I found two black picture frames with, “BOO!” in a fun font on them.  I’ve placed pictures of the kids in their costumes from the past years in them.  They look absolutely adorable.  I thought it was a great way to reflect on the years past.

Extra Five Pounds

Between my injured leg and all of the  holiday goodies I had over the past two months I’ve put on a good five extra pounds.   I usually exercise more self control with all of the goodies.  This year I just couldn’t help myself.  I baked ten different types of cookies myself.  This doesn’t even include the twenty five different types of cookies we had present at our new annual cookie exchange.

I know tons  of people put on extra weight during this time of year.  Most of them make a new years resolution to lose weight.   I will of course loose the weight but I’m thinking maybe next year I’ll see if I can drop a few extra pounds before Halloween. That way Once the holidays are over with I’ll be right back where I started. Haha!  I know it’s probably not the best way to look at it but it’s still a bit funny to think about.