Now I understand

It all became too clear this weekend why Celeste took Little Joe and left home. Her father found out where she was, got drunk and came beating on my door last night. I could smell the liquor on his breath as soon as I opened the door. He demanded to see his daughter and I told him that he was not welcome here and to leave. That didn’t go over very well.

This crazy man shoved me out of the way and started up the stairs yelling for Celeste to come down right that minute. Celeste locked herself in her room with Little Joe and Grace, my faithful friend and help around the house called 911 as soon as she heard what was going on. By the time the deputy sheriff got there, he was trying to break down Celeste’s door and I had my shot gun on him asking him to stop or I would shoot.

They got him cuffed and as they were taking him out of the house, he yelled to Celeste that she was not taking HIS grandson from him. He then called her every kind of low person you can imagine for having a baby as young as she was and not married. She was not only abused physically by her father but he was also abusing her emotionally. My heart stopped when it hit me. I went to the sheriff’s department and took a restraining order against him so he can’t come back.

Now to help Celeste and Little Joe never have to go back to that crazy man again. That is no kind of life to live! After a lot of tears and some talking, I told Celeste that I would take her to a lawyer and get custody of both her and Little Joe if that’s what she wanted so she would not have to go back there again. So we have an appointment with my lawyer today to see what we have to do to protect them.

Breastfeeding In Public

I 100% support breastfeeding in public.  It drives me crazy when I see people give mothers dirty looks when they are breastfeeding their child in public.  The babies need to eat too.  It’s a completely natural thing to breastfeed your child.  I really don’t understand why people get their panties all in a bunch when they see a little skin.  Even if they were to see a nipple, big deal!

Many women breastfeeding in public extremely discreetly with fancy covers, nursing clothes, blankets, slings, carriers, etc, and are still criticized.  I don’t think I will ever understand why people don’t want to let a mother feeding her child. It makes me sick when I see all of the lingerie adds and commercials for underwear all over the place with women in provocative poses.  There is nothing provocative about a mother feeding her infant child from her breast.

I especially get peeved someone is told to feed her child in the bathroom.  I don’t want to eat my meal in the dirty bathroom. Why should my child have to eat in the bathroom?  I’m pretty sure if you asked the server to bring your meal to the restroom they would look at you like you were crazy.  It’s not really any different when you tell a mother to go feed her baby there.

Baby Fever Strikes

I keep seeing all of these adorable babies every where I go.  I think I’ve been hit with baby fever.  I just love looking at the cute smiling faces of the precious little beings. The smell of a newborn baby is intoxicating.  I just can’t seem to get enough of it.

I try to get my baby fix by going to the mall and baby stores.  Usually there are always a baby or two around that I can ogle at.  I always go to baby section and pick out the cutest little out fits.  Yesterday when I was in Walmart, I saw the sweetest child with his mommy.  They were picking out onesies.  I couldn’t help myself and had to say hi just to see the smile on the little guys face.  He was only three months old and had the fullest head of hair I’ve ever seen on a baby.

I have two children of my own but now I’m thinking I might want another one.  Maybe I’m crazy.  I’m not sure I really want to go through all of the no sleep and diapers again.  But really it is oh soo worth every minute of it to hold your child in your arms as you gaze down into their tiny eyes.

Congratulations Sharon

One of my really good friends just told me that she is expecting her first child.  I’m sooo excited for her.  I told her I’d be here for her to answer any questions that she might have along the way during her pregnancy and of course after she has the baby.  I feel like I am going to be an auntie again.

I told her I would start shopping for her now for all kinds of things.  I want to find her some really nice plus size maternity clothes that she can wear to work.  I know it’s hard finding things that fit let alone something you actually like.  I figure if I start looking now I might be able to have a broad selection for her when she actually needs them.  She’s only seven weeks pregnant now so she should have a little while to go before she starts showing and needs maternity clothes.

I told her I’d love to throw her a baby shower.  I have a bunch of games that we can play at the shower.  I have a file on my computer filled with all kinds of things to do to make it a very memorable occasion.  I’m so excited I want to go get decorations now.  I know I have to wait awhile so we can find out the sex of the baby so I’ll know whether or not to buy pink or blue things.  I’m just soo thrilled for her and can’t wait to meet the baby.