Where is the sax?

Saturday at the street dance and concert that my kids and I went to, the band was playing a song about how much they love the saxophone, and I could swear that I heard the saxophone playing, but darn if I could see anything that looked like a saxophone anywhere on the stage! This perturbed me greatly, as my uncle used to play a mean sax, and I was thinking about talking to him later about the concert and the song about the saxophone! It wasn’t until my brother was telling me about the cheap buy used yamaha wx5 sale at guitar center event that I realized that there are other instruments being used in this day and age that can mimic the sound of the saxophone, and the trumpet, and other wind instruments.

I felt amazed, and yet cheated, at the same time. Isn’t modern technology amazing? And how sad for the many talented musicians that are now out of jobs because machines can mimic what they took years and years to learn how to do! I think that I would prefer to see the genuine saxophone musician wailing on his sax – it provides a much better theatrical performance!

Mid-morning Parenting Rant

This morning after breakfast my daughter had the biggest melt down I’ve seen in ages. You would think we were really doing something awful to her, when in fact she was just upset because I wouldn’t let her sit on my lap while I was working at the computer.

I love spending time with my children, seriously I do. However, I still need some grown up mommy time to myself. It drives me insane when I am trying to get a little bit of work done and one of the kids decides it’s the end of the world until everyone else int he house stops what they are doing and runs to give them their complete and undivided attention.

I make sure I sent a good amount of time each day with the kids without trying to be distracted because I don’t want them to feel they have to compete with us for attention. Sometimes though it goes without fail that as soon as my husband and I are trying to do something else they are stuck to us like glue. Then at other times when we want their attention they are no where to be found. Kids are silly little creatures.

I suppose if I really wanted their attention all I would have to do would be to either walk into the bathroom or put my phone up to my ear. Those two events are bound to draw them to me like magnets.

Horrible Head Ache Won’t Go Away

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! My head hurts and I’ve tried everything to make this stupid head ache go away. I’ve had a horrible head ache for the past two days and all I feel is yuck. My head is pounding and aching. It’s starting to make my back hurt and my eyes hurt.

I’ve done all of the normal things that you can do to do to get rid of a head ache but nothing has seemed to work. I wonder if it’s brought on by stress. Seems as if more and more people are demanding my energy and time, and as many times as I say “NO” some people just refuse to take “NO” for an answer!

Maybe all I need is some time for peace and relaxation.  Maybe a nice hot bubble bath with some beautiful scented aromatherapy candles lit in the bathroom.  I think lavender would be great for just the occasion  Lavender is supposed to be calming and soothing.  Well, I need it to calm and soothe my head ache away.  It might be nice to have some relaxing music in there too with me.  I’m not sure if I want jazz or just some nice classical.

I’m off to try to rid myself of this disgusting headache.  If you have any cures that work for you let me know.

I Can’t Sleep, So I’ll Write

I couldn’t sleep, so I got up to watch some television. I flipped through all of the channels and couldn’t find one interesting infomercial.  I’ve seen them all or I already own what they are trying to sell me.  I’ve been known to occasionally call in an order those things as seen on TV. Well, it didn’t seem to help at all tonight so I flipped through the magazines on my night stand.

Magazines weren’t much help either.  I finished all three of the magazines in about 30 minutes and still couldn’t sleep.  I thought for sure trying to read and being soo tired would help me fall asleep. Nope, still awake.  At this point my tummy started to grumble so I got up and poured myself a bowl of Cheerios and milk. I like the multi-grain kind, they have a slight sweetness but they don’t taste like I’m eating sugar cubes.  I wish they had them when I was a kid.

Now that I have a full belly, have caught up on my magazines, and flipped through all of the television channels, I thought I’d pop online and work on my blog a bit.  Don’t be surprised if I crank out a bunch of posts today.  If I can’t sleep I might as well write.

Cell Phones at the Dinner Table

Cell Phones at the Dinner TableDo you jump the second you hear your phone buzz or beep? Do you freak out if you forget your phone somewhere? Do you never leave a room without your phone?

I was always afraid to get cell phone in the beginning because I thought of them as an electronic leash. I don’t think it’s necessary for people to be able to get a hold of you every second of of day. I think it’s actually turned people into open books almost. People share everything or text a friend about the most random things throughout the day. I don’t think they would have shared whatever happened if they didn’t have a cell phone.

I think the challenge above is a great one.  To me it challenges everyone at the dinner table to actually be present and involved with the people that are partaking in the meal. Without this challenge you would probably see people checking and updating their Facebook status, playing some silly game, and or texting.

I know I have been guilty of using my cell phone when it wasn’t necessary and when I realize it I try to make a conscious effort to put the silly thing down. Whatever it is, it can probably wait until the meal is over, the television show is over, or you are done playing the board game.

Try this out with your family and friends and see what happens.


What Happened to All of the Trick-or-Treaters?

This year was a bit disappointing with the trick-or-treaters for Halloween. Our family went all out decorating our house for the big day. We had lots of inviting decor both on the inside of our house and out.  We had friendly decorations, nothing spooky.  I didn’t want to scare any of the little kinds, not to mention our own kids.

In preparation for the big night I bought countless bags of candy.  Last year because I had an injury I stayed home to pass out the candy and had lots of fun and was really looking forward to doing it again this year.  Over a 5 hour period we might have had 20-30 kids visit out home.  I was utterly devastated.  I was really excited to see all of the kids in their costumes and have them tell me what they were if I wasn’t quite sure.  I did get to see a few creative costumes.  One little girl came as a Lipton Tea bag, and her sister was a bubble gum machine.  They really had truly original costumes.

I have way too much candy left over.  I don’t want to keep in my home because I know the kids will want to devour it all, or maybe I might.  We already limit the candy intake the kids have and it will just be an added temptation for them.  I’m going to do some searching to find something to do with all of this left over sugar I have laying around.  Oh I just remembered, the program about sending the candy to our troops.  That will be a great way to get rid of it and do something nice.

Breastfeeding In Public

I 100% support breastfeeding in public.  It drives me crazy when I see people give mothers dirty looks when they are breastfeeding their child in public.  The babies need to eat too.  It’s a completely natural thing to breastfeed your child.  I really don’t understand why people get their panties all in a bunch when they see a little skin.  Even if they were to see a nipple, big deal!

Many women breastfeeding in public extremely discreetly with fancy covers, nursing clothes, blankets, slings, carriers, etc, and are still criticized.  I don’t think I will ever understand why people don’t want to let a mother feeding her child. It makes me sick when I see all of the lingerie adds and commercials for underwear all over the place with women in provocative poses.  There is nothing provocative about a mother feeding her infant child from her breast.

I especially get peeved someone is told to feed her child in the bathroom.  I don’t want to eat my meal in the dirty bathroom. Why should my child have to eat in the bathroom?  I’m pretty sure if you asked the server to bring your meal to the restroom they would look at you like you were crazy.  It’s not really any different when you tell a mother to go feed her baby there.

Commercial Volume is Too Loud

Watching live television is starting to drive me nuts.  I can’t stand how the volume of the commercials raises considerably during the commercial breaks.   I find it insulting!  I can’t fast forward through them on live television so I watch them or am forced to mute them.  Sometimes it’s soo loud it hurts my ears.  It’s especially annoying at night when the kids are sleeping and the volume blares through the roof on a commercial break.

Yucky Crutches

What a long week.  I tell you crutches are not my favorite thing.  Add to that trying to carry a handbag and it gets even worse.  I can’t wait until I can walk on my foot again.  I have blisters on my hands from using these crutches for the past week.    I wish I would have had one of those fancy motorized chairs to get around this week.  I know even that would drive me nuts but at least I wouldn’t have blisters on my hands.

In the News

Thank goodness I am not a celebrity. I think it would be awful to have people hanging around you, stalking you, and showing up at the worst possible times with the sole intent of getting a photograph of you or a quote from what you are saying that shows you in the worst light.

I am careful about my appearance, but most people do not look their very best all day, every day. There are days that I do not want my picture taken. Celebrities do not have that luxury. Not only do they get their picture taken, but it gets sold to magazines, newspapers and web sites with the intent to embarrass them.