I don’t know about you, but I’m all about saving space. Having grown up in a house that gave me a very small bedroom, I am always looking for ways to maximize my space. Because of this, I end up using a lot of the walls to store things. One example of this would be using wall mount speaker brackets to put my small speakers, so I wouldn’t have to use up any shelf space of desk-top space. One advantage of this is that it protects the speakers from being knocked over by small pets that may be going exploring when your back is turned!
Pesky Old Groundhogs
My first memories of groundhogs are probably unusual unless you grew up on a farm. I did not grown up on my grandparent’s farm, but we did spend a lot of time up there visiting my mom’s parents. I believe that my sister and I were left on the farm for a couple of weeks when she gave birth to my youngest sister. I was not yet in school, so being gone from home for 2 weeks in October was not a big deal to anyone.
My grandparents had bought a huge property when he retired from the Navy. They had cows, pigs, dozens of cats who lived in the big barn, and two hunting dogs. My grandfather would often take the shotgun out to the fields and kill groundhogs. He said they were bigger pests than roaches and needed killing or they would destroy his crops.
So my experience with groundhogs is that they must be killed – not celebrated and expected to guide us on the next 6 weeks worth of weather conditions.
Cutest Puppy Ever Stole My Heart
While walking through the mall today, I stopped by the pet store. I normally go in just to look at all of the animals. Today I saw the cutest puppy ever. It was a baby golden retriever with the prettiest little brown eyes you could ever see. This little guy smiled at me and I just had to hold him. Puppy dog eyes get me every time.
I played with him for about 20 minutes before I realized I was getting really attached… almost too attached. I had the store clerk put him back even though I could have played with him for hours. He looked soo sad when he left my arms and headed back to the little cage he was in. It broke my heart to see him stare back at me as though he was saying, “Why don’t you want me?”
I really wanted to take him home, but I couldn’t bring myself to make a purchase like that without the entire family with me. Well, that and I don’t really want to have to deal with dog fur on everything we own.
Life as a dog
Easy or hard? How easy life must be as a dog. I’m a very independent person myself and even though at first thought I’d think life would be easy as dog I’m not really sure.
I’m not sure how I would handle life as a dog. Sure, you get to lay around all day or play outside. But, with that freedom from the stress of daily lives of humans comes dependence. As a dog you are dependent upon your owner to provide you with all of the basics… food, water, shelter, a place to relive yourself, and of course love and affection.
I don’t like the feeling of always having to depend on someone else. That’s probably why I have never been a big fan of group projects. I would hate to have to worry about being hungry and waiting for someone to feed me. I like being able to walk into the kitchen and grab a snack whenever I want. I really don’t think I’d do well with having to ask to use the bathroom. I can’t imagine having to hold it for a few hours if my mom wasn’t home to let me out.
I wonder what the biggest stress my dog has during the day is. When will mom play with me? Do I have to eat the same thing again? Why can’t I reach that spot to scratch it?
My five dogs are the light of my life, I love them just like they were my children and I hope that they love me back. I take them to work with me when I can and I try to make sure that each one gets the same amount of attention every day. I give them treats when they are good and scold them when they are bad. Our oldest dog Dottie is turning six this year and she is the queen of the house for sure. Dogs make you feel better when you are sick by cuddling up and licking your face, that always makes me feel better.