Pesky Old Groundhogs

My first memories of groundhogs are probably unusual unless you grew up on a farm. I did not grown up on my grandparent’s farm, but we did spend a lot of time up there visiting my mom’s parents. I believe that my sister and I were left on the farm for a couple of weeks when she gave birth to my youngest sister. I was not yet in school, so being gone from home for 2 weeks in October was not a big deal to anyone.

My grandparents had bought a huge property when he retired from the Navy. They had cows, pigs, dozens of cats who lived in the big barn, and two hunting dogs. My grandfather would often take the shotgun out to the fields and kill groundhogs. He said they were bigger pests than roaches and needed killing or they would destroy his crops.

So my experience with groundhogs is that they must be killed – not celebrated and expected to guide us on the next 6 weeks worth of weather conditions.

Day Trip To Go Hiking As A Family

My husband told me he would like to plan a day trip where we can all go hiking as a family, I think that sounds like a great idea. He has some really nice lowa renegade hiking boots that he got for Christmas that he has been dying to break in. I can’t blame him, if I got something like that as a gift I would want to use it right away.

We like to get outdoors when the weather is not too cool and not too hot which is exactly what the weather has been lately. Well, it has been kind of crazy some days but that’s besides the point. Maybe we can go next weekend or weather permitting maybe even tomorrow. We don’t’ have anything else planned really and it could be a lot of fun.

Fresh Air

It sure got hot here quickly. It seems like just a couple of weeks ago the daily high temperatures were barely in the 60’s, but it has been in the 90’s for several days now. I guess that summer has truly arrived.

One nice thing about living here is the almost constant breeze. So even though it is very hot, I can open the windows and have a breeze carry the fresh air all through the house. I just make sure to keep the part of the windows not open covered with a shade or curtains to help keep the sunlight blocked and the rooms cool.

Winter’s Wrath

This is a brutally cold winter for me.   I don’t like cold weather at all. It takes a lot of effort for me to even leave the house when it is snowing and sleeting outside.  I won’t drive on snow and ice covered roads unless I have no other choice.

Really looking forward to getting this winter weather behind us and on to Spring.  I might even start tanning this weekend, just to keep my spirits up.


Well it’s starting to get cold.  I hate winter!  There is no life outside; everything is dead and freezing! I am a person of the sun!  I think I am going to move to the beach!


We have a new pet out in the front yard.  We have been invaded by a six foot black snake that has taken up residence in our front yard.  A couple of years ago we had another bigger black snake in the same spot in the yard.  I picked up the first one and it drug the ground on both ends.  It must of been eight feet long. This new one is smaller and it is not afraid of us at all.  It may of been a pet that was let go because it got too big or the kids lost interest.  I do not mind the snake… it eats moles and mice so it is welcome to our yard.

Clean up

We have been trying to get the yard cleaned up and all the leaves raked up but, as soon as we make some headway on it we get another storm that blows more leaves from our neighbor’s yard into our freshly raked yard. That is one thing I really dislike about this time of year; the leaves go everywhere and we try to keep ours raked up and we get more leaves that could ever be on our trees. Once we get the last ones up it will be spring and we will not have to worry about the mess anymore.


The fire season in the west is in full swing and it looks like California is a fire storm, so many fires and the winds keep the firefighters on the run. I would not want to live in a place that had fires like that and I am sure no one wants to live any place that has natural disasters like fires, floods or hurricanes. We have a lot of twisters here and they can be very dangerous and they can destroy entire towns that lay in their path. We have had some minor floods over the years but it is not an issue most of the time. I am so very glad that we do not have earth quakes that is the worst as far as I am concerned.