Tips for Choosing Quality Bed Linens

If you are ready to change your bedding, you may not know where to look for quality textiles. Some companies plan a New York textile show or have showrooms where you can browse. When you go shopping, here are tips for choosing quality bed linens.

Thread Count

This used to be an indicator of quality linen but that is not true any more. Some companies cheat by twisting the yarn and making the thread count higher. If the thread is softer by nature, then the cloth will be softer than a cloth with the same thread count. For example, you can have a lower thread count of Egyptian cotton and it will feel softer than cloth with a higher thread count made with lower quality thread. In reality, a 1000 count sheet may be rather stiff.


Some people like crisp sheets, like a percale, and others prefer softness, like sateen. In colder climates, many people prefer the nappy feel and warmth of flannel. This is a matter of personal taste and one weave is not superior to another.


Material is also a personal choice. Here are 4 types:


  • Cotton – Cotton is preferred by many because it breathes. The best are Egyptian, Pima and Sea Island.
  • Supima – These sheets are made of pima cotton, known for its softness.
  • Polyblend – Some prefer these because they do not wrinkle easily.
  • Linen – Linen is good for warm climates because it is light and soft.

The Great Closet Purge of 2013

I’ve decided it’s time I go through and clean out my closet, well closets really if you could my children’s and my husband’s closets, to get rid of anything we don’t wear, is tired and needs to be thrown out, and things I know I would like to give away or donate.

I have a bunch of closes in my closet taking up tons of space that I know could be put to better use  I would like to have one of those fancy looking closets that you see in all of the home and garden magazines. I know it will be possible to have pretty baskets and shelves once I get rid of things to make space.

I’m sure I have sweaters and dresses in there that I haven’t worn in well, honestly I don’t know how long. I think I’ll go with the rule if I haven’t worn it in the past yea it’s gone for sure. I say the past year because of the different seasons. I can’t hold on to things that I think I might use someday just because it’s still in great condition. I think items that are in great condition are the perfect ones to donate.  Who wants to buy a tattered old robe from Good Will? No one! But, you can be certain someone would be willing to buy a plush and cozy robe without any rips or stains. I have a robe, I’m just not using it so it’s going in the donate pile.

I’m pretty sure this project is going to take a while and it won’t all get done in one day. I think I’ll start with one closet at a time and go from there.  I don’t want to overwhelm myself.


Crafty Storage Idea

Storage for magazines and remote controls can be made easily with a few pieces of fabric.  Get yourself a table runner and then sew an extra piece of fabric at the end to create a pocket.  If you want to be really lazy you can skip the sewing altogether and just use fabric tape that you iron or even fabric glue.  Then you can add any embellishments you like.

This simple and crafty solution diminishes the clutter you have on your bedside table and add extra storage to a table that might not have had any to begin with. It would be a great way to store the book or kindle you read before going to bed.  I’m going to make a few of these and give them away as gifts.  I know everyone will love them


Pulling Out the Spring Bedding

With the official start of Spring just a few days away, I decided to pull out our Spring bedding for our bedroom and do a little redecorating.  My husband isn’t huge on any floral prints so it’s mostly made up of light and vibrant colors and patterns.  It’s not really cool anymore either, so I put up all of the extra heavier blankets.  I think we’ll be fine with just a top sheet, thin quilt, and a comforter.  Most of the nights we’ll probably only use the top sheet and quilt, but I like to keep a light comforter on hand to use to snuggle up with in the mornings we get to sleep in.

Time to Redo the Flooring

This morning when I got up the sun was beaming in through my window. I forgo to close he blinds before I went to bed last night. I usually one of the last things I do as a part of my wind down routine. I was on the phone with my sister last night and was a bit distracted so a few things were left undone.

After I got past the beaming light in my eyes I made my way to the bathroom. Wouldn’t you know it… I stubbed my toe on a piece of flooring that was sticking out between my bedroom and the bathroom. The bathroom floor is an old linoleum. It was that little metal piece that covers the seam between the carpet and the other flooring that I caught my big toe nail on. I rinsed my toe under the faucet in the tub and then put a little ice on it to prevent any swelling.

I think it’s about time for us to renovate our bathroom and maybe even our bedroom.  Getting injured due to old flooring is not my idea of a nice and friendly wake up call.  I would really like to get some pretty tile in the bathroom and maybe hard wood in the bedroom. I’ll have to do some number crunching and shopping to see what we can really afford.

Toy Organization

This weekend is going to be all about getting the kids’ toys organized. I found these great organizers that have three levels and multiple bins to sort and organize all of the toys the kids have.  The bins are multiple colors too so they match the decor in the kids’ rooms.

I’m tired of stepping on toys when I go in there so I’m having the kids help me sort out all of their toys. This might take all day, but it needs to be done.

Whatever does not fit in the organizers will be donated.  At the end of each night they have to make sure all of their toys are put up. No more messy rooms!