Tips for Choosing Quality Bed Linens

If you are ready to change your bedding, you may not know where to look for quality textiles. Some companies plan a New York textile show or have showrooms where you can browse. When you go shopping, here are tips for choosing quality bed linens.

Thread Count

This used to be an indicator of quality linen but that is not true any more. Some companies cheat by twisting the yarn and making the thread count higher. If the thread is softer by nature, then the cloth will be softer than a cloth with the same thread count. For example, you can have a lower thread count of Egyptian cotton and it will feel softer than cloth with a higher thread count made with lower quality thread. In reality, a 1000 count sheet may be rather stiff.


Some people like crisp sheets, like a percale, and others prefer softness, like sateen. In colder climates, many people prefer the nappy feel and warmth of flannel. This is a matter of personal taste and one weave is not superior to another.


Material is also a personal choice. Here are 4 types:


  • Cotton – Cotton is preferred by many because it breathes. The best are Egyptian, Pima and Sea Island.
  • Supima – These sheets are made of pima cotton, known for its softness.
  • Polyblend – Some prefer these because they do not wrinkle easily.
  • Linen – Linen is good for warm climates because it is light and soft.

Revamping My Closet This Weekend

over flowing closet (free clip art)
over flowing closet (free clip art)
Now that it is officially fall, the weather has definitely turned chilly. So, it’s that time of year for me to totally revamp my closet. It’s a chore I dread, because I love summer and I don’t want to admit that I cannot wear all my cute shorts and summer dresses anymore. But then again, getting out all my cold weather clothes is exciting. It is like reconnecting with old friends! Hello, Sweater! I haven’t seen you for, what? At LEAST 6 months!

Another upside to revamping my closet this weekend is that I will need to go shopping and buy a few new things to update my wardrobe. Cleaning out the closet makes room for new stuff! I want to get a couple pairs of new jeans, a rain jacket and this year I am looking for a pair of new boots. Shopping will be my reward for getting this chore done over the weekend.

Comfy Work Clothes

Some days I wish I had chosen a career that had a uniform. If I wore nursing scrubs to work every day I think my life would be easier. I’d always be in something super comfortable and I could wear tennis shoes to work!

I only mention this because today after I left work I had to go to the grocery store for my weekly trip, pick up the kids, and drop off a few things at the post office. I was wearing a very smart looking tailored suit today along with 4″ heels. Running around town after being at work all day was taking a toll on my feet. I saw a woman in the grocery store as I was picking out a bunch of bananas in the most comfortable looking scrub clothing and cute blue sneakers. She didn’t look miserable from walking around in her “work clothes” like I did.

It was at that moment that it hit me. I bet most people that wear uniforms to work feel a lot better at the end of their day than those that don’t. They don’t have to spend time picking out what to wear or wondering if their shoes match their outfit. At the end of the day they get to go home or run around town in sensible shoes. I know this wouldn’t be true for all jobs but, off the top off my head the only job that comes to mind that might include heels as part of a uniform is a flight attendant. I bet even they have nice flats they can chose to wear.

An Engagement Ring Like None I’ve Ever Seen

With all of this wedding talk I realized I never said anything about Jill’s ring. It’s a beautiful scott kay ring. Her fiance really did a great job picking out a fantastic ring for her. He didn’t get her something that looks just like everybody else’s rings.

The band of her ring is not plain at all. It has carvings all along the sides of beautiful shapes that look almost like leaves. It’s very elegant. And, the mount is not plain either. It’s set in a giant circle of white gold that is further encrusted in a ring of 30 diamonds.What more could a girl ask for? It’s beautiful.

I wish I would have snapped a picture of it to share with you all. It’s nothing like I’ve ever seen before. I can’t wait to see what they choose for their wedding bands. I didn’t ask him if he got a matching wedding band with the engagement ring or if they plan to get matching bride and groom wedding bands. I’m pretty sure no matter what they chose it will go very nicely with the gorgeous engagement ring he spent a while choosing for the woman he loves.

It’s always a good time to buy jewelry

One of the things that I’ve noticed lately about the some of the local jewelry stores that I like to go to is that in addition to the traditional rings, bracelets, and earrings, and necklaces is that they also sell individual beads that you can buy to custom-make your own jewelry. My favorite beads look like Cloisonné beads, and come in a wide variety of colors. They are so pretty that it would be nearly impossible for me to pick out just one favorite!

Recently I was learning about how some gems are treated with heat, radiation, bleaching, or laser treatments to improve the color or clarity! I was really surprised to learn that from the website of a jewelry store salt lake city. I’m constantly amazed by how much one can learn about things without even trying!

Choosing Your Wedding Garters To Make Lasting Memories

Wedding garters are a neat tradition to celebrate at your wedding. I have always loved watching all of the single men gather around the bride and groom as the groom carefully removes the wedding garter from his new blushing bride. It’s always exciting when they make him do it without the use of his hands.

I suggest getting a wedding garter set that contains two wedding garters. This way you have one for the groom to toss and then you get to keep one as a precious memento from your wedding. Wedding garter sets make it easy to have coordinating garters to keep and toss out among all of the eligible bachelors.

When selecting a wedding garter set it’s important to remember the design and quality. Of course you’ll want to choose a wedding garter that is worthy of seeing. Why choose something that you wouldn’t want anyone to look at. Pick something special that matches your style. An excellent choice would be to coordinate your wedding garter to your wedding garter belt.

Wedding garters now come in a variety of sizes too. Make sure you select something that not only looks great but that is comfortable to wear too. You don’t want your bride itching and scratching because her wedding garter is uncomfortable.


Try Out A Titanium Sports Necklace

Phil at work is always wearing his titanium sports necklace. He said something about it smoothing out the flow of electricity in his body. He said that he has been able to do things that he wasn’t before he started wearing the titanium infused sports necklace.

He loves his titanium sports necklace and got one for all of his golfing buddies too. I wonder how it would make me feel after a long hard day at work. Would I have to wear it all day long to feel something or is it something that I can just pop on at the end of the day. I wonder if they come in casual designs for women. Maybe I’ll pick one up for myself


Crazy Wardrobe Choices People Make

The show What Not To Wear is one of my favorites.  Sometimes I think seriously, are they really wearing that out in public.  People wear some of the craziest things.  Why on Earth would some one think it’s appropriate to wear short, stretchy pants, with holes in them, with a crop top, probably from the 80s, that shows their entire flabby stomach off, is just beyond me.  I saw someone wear this grocery shopping.  Crazy!  I was baffled that anyone had pieces like these left in their wardrobe.

I know fashion isn’t everyone’s strong suit but somethings really should be common sense.  I always ask myself if my grandma would be ashamed to be see me in whatever I am wearing.  If the answer is yes, then 9 times out of 10 I should change my clothes.  My grandma is pretty liberal too, but I consider her a great judge when it comes to things like this.

Clothes Shopping

My hubby needs some new clothes.  He really likes an easy casual look when he’s not at the office. I think shopping for clothes for guys is a lot easier than it is to shop for women.  I mean there really isn’t much to it.

He likes polo shirts, graphic tees, jeans and the occasional sweatshirt with a hood.  He has a really easy to fit body.  I swear his body type is copied from a mannequin.  I wish I had that problem.  He has a perfect 32 inch waistline.  Pants and shorts come in all different colors and styles in that size.  He never has to have anything taken in either.

Anyway, I’m going to drop by the mall on my way home from work tomorrow and pick up a few outfits for him.  He hates shopping himself so I usually do it for him.  I pick up a couple things, bring them home, and he tries them on.  Whatever he likes we keep, and what ever he doesn’t like I take back and exchange.  I would like him to come with me to save time occasionally but this way I get to pick what I like and try to get him into some color.  If he had his way the only colors he would wear would be black, white, and gray.

Sweater Weather

One of my sisters went to her high school reunion last weekend. She called to tell me about it and how much fun they had. She said the best thing was seeing some of her best friends from the old neighborhood. And the worst thing was how cold the weather was. She should have taken a light jacket or sweater with her – especially for after the sun goes down. After all, this is October!

I think she might need to shop for some new  plus size sweaters and is just having a hard time admitting that she has gained a little weight since last fall and winter. I totally understand about the weight gain – she has been depressed and spends too much time online. She should really unplug the PC and get more exercise. Of course, I should do the same thing.

I hope that there were a lot of photographs taken over the weekend at the reunion and that she finds some flattering pictures of herself to share with us on her blog. I know I don’t like to have my photograph taken, and I’m always very critical of my weight and posture when I have to look at myself in photos.