I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I go shopping online I am uncomfortable filling out an order form that requires my credit card information. With all of the recent publicity about hackers getting into systems through the Internet, I find more and more that I would appreciate finding the item I want to purchase, and then actually placing the order with a phone call. So I was relieved when I was thinking about buying something from the musician’s friend website to see “To place your order, call us toll-free at 800-449-9128” as an option for ordering. I think in this day and age, this is a little bit more secure than sending the information electronically. What do you think?
I just couldn’t resist
I have been looking to sort of fix up the place when I realized that I could use a new look myself. I found some great deals online with coupons to places like Old Navy Stores. I don’t know about you but I love Old Navy Stores. They have some great deals and some even better sales too. But what I liked about this site is it’s linked right to Old Navy Stores online and you can use the coupon when you check out.
Shopping online saves you not only with the coupons but you don’t have to run out any of your gas either. If you live out in the boonies like I do, that adds up quick. Do an online coupon search and you’ll be amazed at how many sites there are like shopwiki. That’s one of my favorite sites because you can find just about anything on there.
Garth Brooks Concerts
One of my all-time favorite country music stars is Garth Brooks. When I was younger I really enjoyed the music of Kenny Rogers (and I still do enjoy some of his classic songs, like “The Gambler”) but when it comes to more recent country hits, Garth Brooks has to be the winner of the competition between the two. Largely because I love his song on his Christmas album “Baby Jesus is born” (which I wish had an official video to go along with the song) but also I love his song “Friends in Low Places.”
Recently I became friends with a couple of people that love going to a karaoke bar once a week, and they have invited me to join them several times. When I have gone, I noticed that someone always sings the “Friends in Low Places song” but that never includes that third verse that is my personal favorite! I wish the karaoke version of the song included that verse!
Yesterday one of those friends told me that she wanted to buy some http://garthbrookstours.com for her husband and give them to him as a birthday gift. She has no idea how to use the Internet at all, and she wanted to buy the tickets as a surprise, so she asked me to help her find out how to get more information on the newest Garth Brooks tour so she could find out when and where Garth will be performing close to where we live.
I told her I’d go online this weekend to the http://garthbrookstours.com website and see what I could find out for her about getting the tickets. Well, I went to the website and found that the closest concert to where we live is so far away that they would have to make a weekend trip of it – fly up the day before, and fly back the day after! I don’t know if that is something she is going to want to do. I’m going to have to call her tomorrow and let her know what I found out!
Pesky Old Groundhogs
My first memories of groundhogs are probably unusual unless you grew up on a farm. I did not grown up on my grandparent’s farm, but we did spend a lot of time up there visiting my mom’s parents. I believe that my sister and I were left on the farm for a couple of weeks when she gave birth to my youngest sister. I was not yet in school, so being gone from home for 2 weeks in October was not a big deal to anyone.
My grandparents had bought a huge property when he retired from the Navy. They had cows, pigs, dozens of cats who lived in the big barn, and two hunting dogs. My grandfather would often take the shotgun out to the fields and kill groundhogs. He said they were bigger pests than roaches and needed killing or they would destroy his crops.
So my experience with groundhogs is that they must be killed – not celebrated and expected to guide us on the next 6 weeks worth of weather conditions.