An Ex’s Birthday

Even though we broke up with a lot of bitterness and hard feelings, I still care a little bit about my ex. I don’t ever search him out or try to talk with him, but I do think of him every now and then. I know that his birthday is coming up in two days. I am not going to send him a card or call him up or anything. But I do remember the last birthday we shared together and how special I tried to make his whole day and night.

Unfortunately, he never made much effort to reciprocate. My birthday was a huge disappointment, especially since we had celebrated his in November, so he had several months to figure out what to do to make mine special. But he didn’t bother, and to be honest, I think that disappointment was the start of the end of our relationship.

It was then that I realized he wanted all the attention on him and was never going to be as giving or considerate as I wanted in a partner. And I also realized that the only reason he made such a fuss on Valentine’s Day was not because he was expressing his love for me. He was just dutifully buying me thing so he could have a night of great sex. I’m glad I didn’t waste any more time on him than I did, and although I recognize that his birthday is two days away, I no longer care if it is a happy day for him – or not.

The Yule Log

The Yule Log Dept 56
The Yule Log Dept 56

I am always interested in historical information about Holidays. When I saw the Yule Log for sale at department 56 dickens village I was interested to read the description that explained that it was thought to be good luck to have a large log burn during the twelve days of Christmas, which ends on January 6th. Supposedly if the log would burn that long it would bring prosperity and health to the household.

I never knew that was the thought process behind it! I wonder who created that story!

Strangest thing I ever heard

Now get this, a South African couple died after being hit by a freight train while having sexual intercourse on railroad tracks. Who in their right mind would have intercourse on train tracks? This was in the Mpumalanga Province of the African country. The engineer yelled warnings at the couple to move, but according to him, they ignored them.

The man, in his thirties, was dismembered and died at the scene. The woman, in her twenties, was transported to a local hospital but later died from her injuries. An investigation is taking place to determine if the woman was being raped or if she was having intercourse out of her own free will. What difference does that make now. Who would they prosecute if it was rape, he’s dead. It’s just a stupid tragedy if you ask me but what do I know? I know better than to have sex on train tracks, that’s for sure.

Celeste is free from her father

Since Celeste is 17 years old, she does not have to return to her parents as long as someone, me in other words, is appointed her legal guardian until she turned 18. Well I gladly accepted that responsibility. Since I have taken a restraining order out against her father, he can no longer come within 50 feet of my home and establishment. Celeste also took one out and now he can’t come within 50 feet of her anywhere she goes.

It’s a shame that such a beautiful and bright young woman should have to make such hard decisions about her own father but Celeste knows that she in turn must protect herself and her son. The law is on her side in all of this mess. Her hopes and dreams to be her own person, go to college and support herself and her son are what keep her going.

Life is hard at times and tough decisions are all a part of growing up. A 17 year old shouldn’t have to make such hard decisions but she has and has done it without malice or hatred in her heart. She will go far in life with her gentle and loving heart. I only can hope and pray she doesn’t develop a hard heart because of all of this. I honestly don’t think she will because we will surround her with love and respect here. I am so very proud of her.

Now I understand

It all became too clear this weekend why Celeste took Little Joe and left home. Her father found out where she was, got drunk and came beating on my door last night. I could smell the liquor on his breath as soon as I opened the door. He demanded to see his daughter and I told him that he was not welcome here and to leave. That didn’t go over very well.

This crazy man shoved me out of the way and started up the stairs yelling for Celeste to come down right that minute. Celeste locked herself in her room with Little Joe and Grace, my faithful friend and help around the house called 911 as soon as she heard what was going on. By the time the deputy sheriff got there, he was trying to break down Celeste’s door and I had my shot gun on him asking him to stop or I would shoot.

They got him cuffed and as they were taking him out of the house, he yelled to Celeste that she was not taking HIS grandson from him. He then called her every kind of low person you can imagine for having a baby as young as she was and not married. She was not only abused physically by her father but he was also abusing her emotionally. My heart stopped when it hit me. I went to the sheriff’s department and took a restraining order against him so he can’t come back.

Now to help Celeste and Little Joe never have to go back to that crazy man again. That is no kind of life to live! After a lot of tears and some talking, I told Celeste that I would take her to a lawyer and get custody of both her and Little Joe if that’s what she wanted so she would not have to go back there again. So we have an appointment with my lawyer today to see what we have to do to protect them.