A good place to be

When Chuck told me that he was thinking about going to work as a paralegal for an office of immigration lawyers in los angeles I told him that was probably a very good place to work in that field. From what I understand there is a high concentration of people in that part of the country that may need some legal help to enter this country legally and become American citizens. I think that immigration law is probably a very secure field to be in.

What’s For Dinner? Time To Menu Plan

It’s almost 5 o’clock and I still have no idea about what is for dinner. I’ve been pretty bad about this for awhile now. It’s so darn stressful having to think of something for everyone to eat at the end of the day when I’ve been working all day. I enjoy cooking but I hate figuring out what to cook.

I really should work on meal and menu planning. It would be great to come home at the end of the day and just start dinner, or even better have it all finished in the crock pot and waiting for me to serve. That sounds much more relaxing than standing in front of the fridge, freezer, and pantry every night for 30 minutes trying to figure something out. It makes me cranky sometimes when I can’t find something easy after a long day and I’m exhausted and just want to eat and sit down.

I think maybe I will start meal planning I know it would make grocery shopping easier because I would only have to buy what’s on my list from the meals I have planned. Sometimes I can spend hours in the grocery store just wandering the aisles and tossing stuff in the cart. I can spend $100 or more easily and get home and not have anything to make a complete meal. I guess I just have to get to it and start. In the mean time, pizza it is for tonight.

Wedding Planning and Research is Relaxing

Jill has been totally amazed by how much stuff I’ve been doing for her wedding. They haven’t even set a date and I’ve been looking up all sorts of things from wedding favors, to unity ceremonies. She called me this morning to say thanks you when she was reading my blog while having her morning coffee.

I told her it was the least I could do. But really I might even be more excited to do this than I have been about anything in a very long time. That’s probably why I’ve jumped in head first and have been going a little research crazy about planning her wedding. Her only fear is that I will get burned out because I’m doing so much. She doesn’t want me to overwhelm myself.

I told her not to worry because doing all of this fun research is actually really relaxing. It makes me feel excited and I get a rush browsing wedding websites and Pinterest in search of new ideas and themes I had never even dreamed of when it came to a wedding and reception.

The way I see it by the time I’m done planning her wedding I’ll be an expert and can help other friends and family do it all over again. I’ll have all of the research done and we’ll just have to browse my stuff. Then again, I could be dreaming and completely delusional. I guess we wait and find out.

Unorthodox uses for things

Guest post by Linda Bradshaw

When I was teaching decorative painting at the adult education classes at night, I often found myself needing more than two hands to accomplish what I wanted to do. Sometimes I needed to prop up a teaching aide on the easel board, but it would not be convenient to put it down on the tray. A lot of times it would just topple off of the bottom tray. It was a real challenge! So one day I was in the hardware department of the local department store, looking for a solution to the problem and found some spring clamps that would solve the problem – I could use one of them to clip the teaching aide(s) onto the side of the easel pad. I’m pretty sure that was not the original intention of the clamps, but they do a great job and I’m glad that I found them!

Educating Myself About Annuities

I don’t really know that much about anything at all when it comes to annuities. It wasn’t something that anyone ever took the time to explain to me or teach me about. Well I keep hearing the term tossed around so I thought I would educate myself. I did a little bit of work by searching online and came across annuity advantage.com.

Annuity advantage.com gives you all kind of information for you to learn about, compare and even buy different kinds of annuities. Hopefully after a little while spent on this website along with subscribing to their annuity rate newsletter I won’t feel so in the dark when people are discussing annuities.

The Best Birthday Presents To Get and Give

What is the best birthday present you have ever received? Was it some elaborate and expensive gift or was it a service that some one provided for you?

I think the best gifts are those that tell me that the person giving me the gift really took the time to think about what I would like. I enjoy gifts that people give from the heart and of themselves. I love it when someone decided that they want spend time with me instead of just tossing a gift card in a car and calling it a day. Don’t get me wrong I love gift cards because I can pick out what ever I want to get for myself, but some times I would rather just spend an afternoon with some one and or maybe share a meal together.

I love date nights for gifts too! These usually involve a gift from more than one person too. My hubby of course and then who ever volunteers to watch our kids while we go out and enjoy ourselves. Babysitting is a fantastic gift, it gives me a chance to have some alone time to get out of the house to be an adult or run errands. I’ve also used baby sitting to just catch up on sleep.

You know when you have those really long weeks and you don’t get more than 5 hours a night for a few days in a row. Those are the times when I cash in those coupons that my friends make for me for a night of free baby sitting. My friends come pick up the kids and then I can go back to bed and I love it! If I’m smart I’ll try to plan ahead and see if the kids can do a sleep over so I can sleep in.

So I guess date nights and baby sitting are my top gifts. What is the best gift you could receive or have received?