Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! My head hurts and I’ve tried everything to make this stupid head ache go away. I’ve had a horrible head ache for the past two days and all I feel is yuck. My head is pounding and aching. It’s starting to make my back hurt and my eyes hurt.
I’ve done all of the normal things that you can do to do to get rid of a head ache but nothing has seemed to work. I wonder if it’s brought on by stress. Seems as if more and more people are demanding my energy and time, and as many times as I say “NO” some people just refuse to take “NO” for an answer!
Maybe all I need is some time for peace and relaxation. Maybe a nice hot bubble bath with some beautiful scented aromatherapy candles lit in the bathroom. I think lavender would be great for just the occasion Lavender is supposed to be calming and soothing. Well, I need it to calm and soothe my head ache away. It might be nice to have some relaxing music in there too with me. I’m not sure if I want jazz or just some nice classical.
I’m off to try to rid myself of this disgusting headache. If you have any cures that work for you let me know.