Potty training is big milestone in every child’s life. It can be harder than people think and take pounds of patience. It’s important to make sure you start potty training when your child shows you signs that he/she is ready. If you force it on him/her it probably won’t turn out like you expect. There are a a few things that you will need in order to be successful in your potty training adventure.
Potty training supplies:
1. Pull Up training pants – feel free to get your favorite brand or even the local store brand. I’ve tried a few different brands and found that it really depends on the child. Some brands have characters that children prefer over others.
2. Child size potty – I like the kind that is convertible. We have one that turns into a step stool when the lid is closed. It also plays music as a reward when anything is out into the potty. Another great feature about the potty we have it that the seat that the child sits on can be used on a adult sized toilet as well so you don’t have to buy any additional inserts.
3. Child size potty seat insert – this is important if your child is really little. A big adult toilet can be scary. Kids can often be afraid of falling in when there is a lot of open space around them. A child sized seat will eliminate all of the extra room and prevent and accidents of falling.
4. Stickers – we have always used stickers in our home. Our kids love to have stickers. We tried temporary tattoos once too because they don’t peal off when you put them on a hand.
5. Incentive chart – When children can see their progress they get excited. My girls like to count the stars or stickers they earn on their charts when they use the potty. We always give 1 sticker for pee and 2 for poop.
6. Lots of dry clothes – accidents are inevitable. It’s always a great idea to travel with a few extra sets of dry clothes with your kids during potty training time.
7. Patience – Remember your child will learn to use the potty. It probably won’t happen over night. Just keep encouraging your children and before you know it you will have your own potty training success story.