Afternoon in the Garden

This afternoon I spent time assembling the upside down hanging planters that I got at the really great price.  I let the kids help put the soil and the plants in each planter.  I let them use some of the toy gardening tools that I found for them at the toy store.  First, they carefully put the baby plants in each planter. They both had smiles on their faces as they heaved small shovel fulls of soil into the planters.  They carefully put the baby plants in each planter.  We had one for peppers, one for tomatoes, and another for strawberries. Once all of them had enough soil they sprinkled on some plant food and topped them off with water from the toy watering cans.

I labeled each of the planters with pictures of each type of fruit that the girls colored for me.  Their favorite one was the planter with the strawberries.  This didn’t surprise me in the least.  The strawberries always go first when ever we have fruit.  I’m excited to watch the planters produce some yummy food and the girls are excited to eat it.

Heading Out for Errands

This morning I just seem to be dragging. I hope I’m not getting sick. Usually I am awake and up making coffee by 7:00 am and ready to go out the door by 8:30am. For some reason I just can’t get myself in gear. Here it is almost 11:00 am and I’m still home looking for my car keys. Well, I guess the rest of the day will just fly by since its already half over!

A Day Filled with Hearts

Because Valentine’s Day falls on a Thursday this year, my husband and I decided that we would celebrate it together this weekend. Tonight we will have fun and do something special with the kids.

I decided to a bit overboard and decorated the entire house last night before I went to bed. When the girls got up this morning they were surprised by all if the heart balloons in the living room and play room. I also scattered hearts in a variety of sizes throughout the rest of the house. There were window clings on the bathroom mirrors and the sliding glass door that leads to the back yard.  I had laid out a few heart shaped pages for the girls to paint later in the playroom too.

To make the day even more memorable for the girls, I made them heart shaped pancakes with little heart shaped banana slices. I used a teeny tiny cookie cutter I got from the craft store to cut out the bananas. And even though it’s not really healthy I sprinkled a few heart sprinkles on top of their pancakes to make them extra special. We enjoyed watching the girls light up this morning. I can’t wait to see their faces when they see what we have planned for them tonight.

Time for the Girl Scout Cookies

I ordered my Girl Scout cookies a long time ago. I’m pretty sure they said I would have my cookies delivered around Valentine’s Day. I’m really looking forward to getting the cookies. This year I ordered by Thin Mints and Samoas. I actually found a recipe online for a similar Samoa cookie. If my cookies don’t come soon I might be tempted to make up a batch of the copycat Samoa cookies.

Breakfast with the Family on the Patio

Breakfast with the family is one of my favorite times of the day. Yesterday we had breakfast outside on the patio. I made blueberry scones, scrambled cheesy eggs, and a fresh fruit salad. My husband and I sipped our coffee as the kids gobbled up their breakfast. The scones turned out great. It was a new recipe that I got from a gal at work. It’s definitely a keeper.

When the kids finished eating they played in the back and we kept an eye on them from the patio.  The girls ran around in the grass and kicked a soccer around. I noticed the lawn needed to be mowed and politely mentioned it to my husband. He promised to mow it before lunch and made good on that promise with a smile on his face.  I told him I would pick up a few planters for some peppers and tomatoes as a thank you the nex time I went to the garden center.

Time to Redo the Flooring

This morning when I got up the sun was beaming in through my window. I forgo to close he blinds before I went to bed last night. I usually one of the last things I do as a part of my wind down routine. I was on the phone with my sister last night and was a bit distracted so a few things were left undone.

After I got past the beaming light in my eyes I made my way to the bathroom. Wouldn’t you know it… I stubbed my toe on a piece of flooring that was sticking out between my bedroom and the bathroom. The bathroom floor is an old linoleum. It was that little metal piece that covers the seam between the carpet and the other flooring that I caught my big toe nail on. I rinsed my toe under the faucet in the tub and then put a little ice on it to prevent any swelling.

I think it’s about time for us to renovate our bathroom and maybe even our bedroom.  Getting injured due to old flooring is not my idea of a nice and friendly wake up call.  I would really like to get some pretty tile in the bathroom and maybe hard wood in the bedroom. I’ll have to do some number crunching and shopping to see what we can really afford.