Talking during movies

I’m a total chatter bug when I watch movies or television with other people.  I like to talk about what is happening in the plot or what I think might come next.  I know it drives some people nuts but I can’t help myself sometimes.  I especially ask questions if I think I miss something.  My husband usually tells me to listen and pay attention and it will make sense.  I’m sooo happy that I can rewind most anything now with the invention of DVR.  I wish I had that ability in movie theaters.  Don’t worry… I’m quiet when I go out to see a movie.  You just have to worry about me jibber jabbering if I am at home.

Life as a dog

Easy or hard?  How easy life must be as a dog.  I’m a very independent person myself and even though at first thought I’d think life would be easy as dog I’m not really sure.

I’m not sure how I would handle life as a dog.  Sure, you get to lay around all day or play outside.  But, with that freedom from the stress of daily lives of humans comes dependence.  As a dog you are dependent upon your owner to provide you with all of the basics… food, water, shelter, a place to relive yourself, and of course love and affection.

I don’t like the feeling of always having to depend on someone else.  That’s probably why I have never been a big fan of group projects.  I would hate to have to worry about being hungry and waiting for someone to feed me.  I like being able to walk into the kitchen and grab a snack whenever I want.  I really don’t think I’d do well with having to ask to use the bathroom.  I can’t imagine having to hold it for a few hours if my mom wasn’t home to let me out.

I wonder what the biggest stress my dog has during the day is.  When will mom play with me?  Do I have to eat the same thing again?  Why can’t I reach that spot to scratch it?

Pet Peeves

Two sheets of toilet paper, a sip of milk, the heels of bread… When someone leaves these behind it always drives me nuts.  Leaving the last little bit of something for someone else to take care of is one of my biggest pet peeves.  To me it just says that the person is lazy and inconsiderate.  I mean really?  What are you going to do with a tablespoon of milk or two sheets of toilet paper? I suppose if I was a man and I cut myself saving I MIGHT have a use for a small piece of tissue but not the few drops of milk.

It’s not that hard to change the roll of toilet paper when you get down to the end of the roll.  It’s just as easy to toss out the empty milk carton as it is to put it back in the fridge.  Stop being lazy people and consider how you would feel if you went to get a bowl of cereal and only found a few drops left in the container.

Take responsibility for your actions and be considerate of others.  Remember the “Golden Rule” to treat other people how you would like to be treated.

Some Jokes Are Not Funny

Today is April Fool’s Day and I know the sophomoric guys at work are going to be playing jokes on everyone all day long.  This is the day when you really do have to watch your back, or there might be a piece of paper taped to your shirt that says, “Kick Me!”

Last year someone set a cup of water on top oft he door to the kitchen, so that when someone came through the door, the cup tipped over and splashed on an unsuspecting victim.  It was not very funny when it splashed on a company guest being taken to the kitchen for a cup of coffee before his business meeting.