My daughter loves to play in the water. Some days it is very hard to get away to the pool or to the lake, so she has to make do with playing in the water sprinkler in the yard. This I do not mind at all. She gets to play in the water and my yard gets some much needed water on it at the same time. The pool is only about a mile away. Call me old fashioned but I think the parents need to be at the pool with their kids. It is not a handy dandy baby sitter for the summer. You need to be with your kids, it there so everyone can have fun at the pool.
We have a new pet out in the front yard. We have been invaded by a six foot black snake that has taken up residence in our front yard. A couple of years ago we had another bigger black snake in the same spot in the yard. I picked up the first one and it drug the ground on both ends. It must of been eight feet long. This new one is smaller and it is not afraid of us at all. It may of been a pet that was let go because it got too big or the kids lost interest. I do not mind the snake… it eats moles and mice so it is welcome to our yard.