
One of the invasive species that is causing trouble in the United States is the lionfish. The fish is native to the south pacific and the Red Sea. The species was introduced to American waters after an aquarium broke during Hurricane Andrew and some of the fish were released off the coast of Florida. The fish is raising havoc with the natural order of the reefs.

Lionfish are very aggressive and have caused problems by eating most of the natural reef dwellers. This has led to concerns that the reefs will suffer as the lionfish takes over. Some are calling for government intervention and are hoping the fish can be contained before they spread even farther.


One thing about the holidays is that it is so easy to eat too much. There seems to be food all around our house and everywhere we visit. It doesn’t take much, a bite here and a bite there and the next thing you know you have put on a couple of extra pounds. I know this happens to me as I can’t resist all the great foods that are here. The only bad thing is that getting those extra pounds off can be difficult.

My schedule is very busy and I don’t always have time to exercise a lot. On the other hand, I am concerned about weight loss and wanted to find a way to get the pounds off. I went on the internet and found a lot of information about weight loss pills. They can be an effective way to get the results I was looking for quickly. I decided to find out which pills would help me the best.

I studied all the information I could find. I even talked to a few friends. It turns out that the best weight lose pills are available online. All you have to do is order them and they will be delivered right to your home. I feel so much better knowing I will soon be down to my regular weight. I will also be glad when the holiday food temptations are over!

Science and kids

One thing I read about today was how some 8 to 10 year old kids got their science experiment published in a major science journal. The kids did an experiment involving training bees to go to certain color flowers by using sugar as a reward. The experiments showed how bees see patterns and colors.

The report was published by a journal called Biology Letters. This publication is peer-reviewed by Britain’s Royal Society. Many scientists were impressed by the work done by these kids and say that the experiment is a real advance in the field of science. I just have to say way to go kids!!

Healthy and Happy

The way we look is always important. It helps us or hurts us everyday. It defines who we are and how others look at us in the world. It happens that some people have a problem with their weight. It can be very difficult to deal with at times when we want to change the way we are. The good news is that there are ways lose weight easily and quickly.

There is someone in my family who struggles with this problem. She is a wonderful women but her weight affects her general well-being. One way she deals with the problem is to use diet pills. I know that some people object to their use, but they can be safe and effective when used properly. They are not as bad as they have been made out to be. The trick is to find the best diet pills on the market.

There are many sites on the internet that deal with this problem. One that I like is called They have the low-down on weight loss diet pills. They have a lot of general information on the subject and can help clarify what pills you need and the benefits of them. I am glad that those members of my family can receive guidance when they need it and have a healthier happier life.

First responders

I was glad to hear last night that congress passed a bill that is intended to help the first responders for the tragedy of 911. The bill passed by a margin of 206 to 60. The bill provides funds to monitor the health of those who helped clean up the mess after the incident.

The bill will also reopen the compensation fund for survivors and families of the victims. Many of the responders are suffering from asthma and lung problems due to inhaling the dust at the cleanup site. I think it is only right to help these people after all they have done for us.

Gas Logs

The winter in our area can be long and arduous. The cold can seem to permeate the house and the resulting chill can be terrible. That’s why we decided to take steps to eliminate the problem. One thing we found was that we could use Gas Logs in our fireplace to help warm the house. The problem was that I was unsure where to purchase them and how to install them in our fireplace.

As usual, I turned to the internet to find the answers I was looking for. After some searching, I came across a site called I was impressed that they were the first to sell gas logs on the internet and that they had a complete selection of R.H. Peterson Real Fyre Gas Logs available. I felt a lot more comfortable about using them after I read the Gas Logs FAQs Page. It answered many of the questions I had about the situation.

Since I was confident about having the logs installed in our home, I thought that it would be a good idea to dress up the outside of our house as well. I saw the Outdoor Gas Logs that were available. I knew that Peterson gas logs were the best and so I wanted them as well. We are looking forward to having many warm and cozy nights by the fire.

After the pain

Ever since the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico by the oil giant BP, there has been a lot of talk about compensation. BP has offered many people settlements with the stipulation that they will not sue the company. While many have accepted the offers, many are skeptical.

The Attorneys generals of at least four states have offered advice to those who have not accepted any offers as of yet. They are saying that it would be wise to consult a lawyer and that they could be eligible for more money. The cases will undoubtedly tie up the courts for years to come.

Trade with Me

Despite the fact that the economy has not done so well this year, there is still some good news. What many people don’t realize is that many companies made record profits over the last several months. I know because I happen to own some stocks and bonds. I enjoy keeping track of their progress and like to see them grow in value.

Some of my stocks were not doing as well as others. That’s why I started looking into Online Trading as a way to adjust the ones I have. I found a site called that helps me do that. I can do all of my Stock Trading from the comfort of my home whenever I have the time. While I am starting out slowly, I am gaining more confidence in my ability to trade.

One area that I wanted to concentrate on was my IRA Accounts. I really want to be set for life when I retire and these accounts are a very important part of that. I have made some adjustments to them in order to reach the financial goals I have set for myself. The whole thing is working out well so far and I plan to keep working toward my goals. I am sure I’ll do fine with a little help from my friends online.

Setting up the Tree

One thing our family did this week was to set up our Christmas tree. We had gotten the tree at a local stand and brought it home. Everybody lent a hand in getting it set up and we got out the decorations. We put all the lights on as well as the tinsel. Then we started with the bulbs.

After we had worked for awhile, the tree started to take shape. I held my youngest up on my shoulders so that she could crown the tree with a star. When we were done, the tree really looked good. You can even see it through the window from the street. I love this time of year and hope everyone else does as well.

Money Maker

The company I work for has been growing despite the hard economic times. One way we have accomplished this is by branching out into different areas of business. I was put in charge of a new division that was going to make sales of merchandise a higher priority. The problem we had was finding the merchandise at a price that was cheap enough to make a profit. That’s why I looked for Wholesalers who could provide the products cheaply.

I did a lot of research on the subject and found out some great information. I found that there are many Wholesale Products on the market. I also found that many of these items can be found online. That makes it easy to purchase them and get them into the hands of our sellers. I was confident that we would soon be making a lot more money.

It took a few weeks to get started, but now that we have found some Wholesale Suppliers that we can work with we are doing well. I like the way my company entrusted me with this task. I hope to make the venture a success and bring in more business. I am sure I am off to a good start and hope to continue making money.