Don’t Trust the Groundhog

My grandfather used to take his shotgun with him when he plowed the fields on his big farm up in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I asked him why he needed the gun and he told me that if he was plowing and saw a groundhog that he had to stop the tractor and kill the pest. He said the groundhogs did more damage to his crops than anything except a hail storm.

Not really sure why anyone wants to celebrate groundhogs and give them magical weather forecasting powers. I think like my grandfather, the critters should just be shot. Spring will get here is its ready and there’s a groundhog can do about it, one way or the other.

New Ride

If you have some cash and want to buy a motorcycle, December is the best month of the year to get a bargain on one. The guys who have motorcycles aren’t riding them much in the winter and sometimes they need to raise some cash. Winter riding is more dangerous, with wet leaves, ice, and its just plain cold.

So they are more likely to put a used bike up for sale at a good price to raise the cash and since they aren’t riding in the winter it’s not such a big sacrifice to them. If you are a motorhead and can work on bikes, you can score some bikes for a cheap price, work on them each weekend over the winter, and then sell them for a good profit in the spring when people get the urge to start riding again.

In like a Lion

The weather has been so whack. I can’t tell you if March came in like a lion or in like a lamb. Its totally different weather every day. My best guess is that the first week of March was like a lion, although we did have a couple of nicer days. I hope that bodes well for the rest of the month. I am SOOO ready for Spring to come on and get here!

Too Hot to Mow

How can this grass even grow when the temperatures are this hot and there’s no rain? The weeds are especially tall. I don’t understand how the grass and weeds can defy Mother Nature and keep growing? It’s over a hundred degrees and I have to mow the yard.

Maybe in the morning.

The heat is on

The last two days have been very hot and humid, it has been so hot that when I get home from work the very first thing I do is strip off and get in the shower. I can not stand myself I am soggy from sweat and that is not a great way to walk in this house, my wife can smell a stinky man for 6 blocks and I do not want that go shower look from her so I walk straight to the shower and wait to give her a hug when I get out of the shower, makes us both feel better that is for sure.


My sweet little dogs have lost their minds today, and I am pretty sure it is from being trapped inside. I am getting the same way, if the sun does not shine soon I fear we will lose our minds. Winter has been a very cold one this year, and I am ready for it to end. Spring will be meet with open arms and flowers this year. I guess as I get older the bad things in life last longer and are more brutal every year. I can not wait for spring and winter will be forgotten very soon, at least in my mind it will.