Good Neighbors

My neighbors are good people. Although we don’t get together have a big block party or neighborhood yard sale, we all do know each other. We look out for each other, too.

My friend Selena has lived here as long as I have. We actually both moved in to our homes the same month, although she moved in the weekend before I did. Neither one of us has any interest in moving away, either. There’s a lot to be said for people who like where they live and don’t think about moving away – unless they have to.

Ham Sandwich

This time of year I start craving ham. This is actually hog killing season, and farmers are putting up hams to cure, making bacon and fresh sausage. If I can find someone selling fresh sausage, I will buy at least 40 pounds of it and put it in the freezer. In the meantime, I’m holding off the cravings with a ham sandwich.

Real Indian Casting

Came across a documentary on cable that told the story of the making of the movie, Dances With Wolves. It was pretty interesting to find out that none of the big movie companies would agree to make that movie. The only way the movie got funded was from Kevin Costner’s own money and then a few other Hollywood individuals who believed in Costner. It was a huge risk for everyone – Costner was young and just getting established as star, with no reputation for being a director yet. And he decided to both star in the movie and direct it.

Another thing that interested me is that they strove hard to be as historically accurate as possible, taking great care in the selection of shooting locations, costumes, etc.They used real buffalo, and during the filming of the stampede, Kevin Costner had fallen off his horse and been trampled slightly. Luckily he was not badly hurt.

They even cast real Native American Indians as the Indians, however the tribe that was called for in the script did not have enough Indians to fill all the parts. So instead they went to the Lakota Sioux and used the Lakota for all the Indian parts in the movie.

Chicken Soup

i don’t know what it is about chicken soup that makes me feel better when I’m sick. Maybe because that is what my mom used to make for us when we were kids and got sick. All I know is that the first signs of a sore throat, earache or fever, I crave a big bowl of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup and a couple of saltine crackers.