For some reason I had to read about the 3M company on the internet. It tured out to be a really interesting story. The company was founded by three guys who wanted to make money mining in Minnesota. But the stuff they were mining wasn’t worth much and they had to find other ways to making a living. Their business actually lost money for the first 20 years they were running it. Can you imagine holding onto a business that lost money for 20 years straight? No way any banks in today’s world would back them for 20 years. Eventually they starting adding new inventions and selling chemical solutions to industrial problems. The first thing they sold that made money was sandpaper. Then the next thing they made money on was tape. Amazing resilience and determination from those men.
Too Much Month Left
Gasoline prices
The price of regular gasoline here in Nashville has started going back up again and it has doubled in just a couple of months, we had got the price down to $1.25 a gallon and now it is over $2.50 a gallon in spots. I see it going back up to where it was late last year and that will be the end of many small businesses, I know the high gasoline prices last year took the wind out of the sails of our business and it never recovered. I hope to be able to start something else soon to make up the money we lost in our deliverey business and I need to get going very soon.