
One of the many local bright spots here in Nashville are the local music venues. You can see all kinds of music an a daily basis, including more than the typical country music you would think would be featured here in Music City USA. I worked at several radio stations here in Nashville and I can proudly say not a one of them was a country music station. I like the classic rock and roll to listen to and if I have a choice I like news talk over country any day unless it is Rush Limbaugh, I hate him and can not stand to listen to him at all.


Let me start off this rant by saying I hate winter and I hate any one who likes winter. I think that pretty much says it all. The people here in Nashville have no idea how to drive on ice or snow so as soon as it starts falling they all herd towards the grocery store to get milk, bread and eggs. I call it snow food, they do not want to be stranded with out those three things, it may be all they have in the house but the can make french toast and scrambled eggs, I guess they will not starve unless the power goes out and they can not cook, then that is another rant to come later on.

Theme Bars

Back in the 80’s the adult night scene was either fern bars, piano lounges, or honky tonks. Now the trend is to have theme bars. I think the trend started with the Hard Rock Cafe and Planet Hollywod type venues. Now I see bits and pieces of publicity for different bars, like the new one in L.A. that is called Saints and Sinners. Half of the bar is red and black and the other half is blue and white. I wonder if anyone even goes over to the “saints” side? That’s not exactly why people go to bars, now is it? LOL

Hello cruel world

Welcome to my blog. I will attempt to have some fun, make some friends and above all else I will let the world know what I am thinking about and in no uncertain terms too. I have been called loud and opinianated and I guess those things are very true, I say what I am thinking and think what I am saying all the time.