Sometimes I think my mother buys a bunch of bananas to just torture them slowly as they all ripen so quickly and no one eats that many bananas in her house. Every time I go over there I see a bunch of 5-6 ripe bananas in a large bowl on her kitchen table. And then a couple days later she throws them out because they are over ripe and then she buys a new bunch at the grocery store when she does her weekly shopping.
When I was over there yesterday I teased her and called her a banana sadist. She doesn’t buy them to eat them – she buys them to watch them die a slow death. She got a little defensive, so then I asked if maybe she thought of herself as a banana rescuer instead? She buys them because she feels sorry for them in the store, and brings them home so they have a chance?
Or maybe she buys them to put in the bowl to be a pretty centerpiece and fool everyone who comes to visit into thinking that she eats a lot of fruit? I think that next time I go to the hobby and crafts store that I will buy some artificial bananas that look real and put them in the bowl at my mother’s house. I might do that as a joke and see how long it takes for her to realize that they are not getting over-ripe and are not real. LOL!