New Jeans

My jeans have worn out and I need a new pair. I don’t want “mom jeans” from Wal Mart but i don’t want $100 jeans from Macy’s either. So I thought I would see if Kohl’s has anything that looks good and fits me.

I went to Kohl’s and found a pair that I really like and they happened to be on sale, but they didn’t have my size. I will go to the other Kohl’s down by the mall and see if they have the right size. I can’t go until the weekend, but I think the sale price will be good through Saturday or maybe even Sunday. I’m not sure how the sale dates work for Kohl’s stores.


With Hannah Montana behind her, Miley Cyrus is a busy girl doing movies and the talk shows. Am I the only one who thinks her voice is very grating? I don’t know what it is about her voice, but I can’t stand to listen to her talk. She sounds like a duck squawking. Somehow she can sing – but talking, not so good.

High Cost of Drug Store Items

Lately it seems like the most expensive place to buy things is the corner drug store. They have the pharmacy, of course, but they also have different departments within the store with over the counter medications and toiletries, beauty supplies, toys, camera film, groceries, greeting cards and a limited selection of household goods, like paper towels, rubbermaid storage containers, fuses, etc.

But all of these things cost almost twice as much as if you went to a hardware store or Wal Mart to buy them. I’m sure there is a premium to be paid for convenience, but in these tough economic times, places that charge two much for every day items will be losing a lot of business and frankly, it’s their own fault.


I like instant oatmeal for a quick and easy lunch. All you have to do is add a half cup of boiling water, stir it up, and you have lunch.

When I’m at home on the weekends, sometimes I like to make a pan full of real oats. I always buy the Quaker Oats brand of oatmeal. There is a difference between the real Quaker Oats and the cheaper store brand. Don’t skimp on the store brand – you’ll appreciate the real thing once you’ve tasted the difference.

Ellen & Bonnie on NBC

I have always adored Ellen DeGeneres and try and catch her day time talk show when my schedule allows it. Her talk show is always wonderful and most entertaining, it is a “Feel Good” show if ever there was one.

The newest female talk show host to come to the air waves is Bonnie Hunt, and I have to tell you that I have enjoyed her show each time that I have seen it (or parts of it) and am happy to see another show that I can put into the “Feel Good” category, that category is pretty empty as of late. Most of the shows that are being televised these days are not something that I generally enjoy, sad to say.

More on that later . . .