Some of the so-called Mexican restaurants in the area are not authentic Mexican restaurants but are Tex Mex. The people who are really from Mexico know the difference, but I don’t know how to tell. I think the Tex Mex is what they mean when the food is based on certain Mexican dishes but has been adapted to better suit American taste. So I try all the different little Mexican restaurants that open up and see if I like their food. So far, I have one favorite place and only two that I won’t go back to.
The Sunday Evening Blues
Sundays used to be the day of the week that I could relax and do what ever I wanted to do, oh how I miss those days. Now my Sunday’s are full of doing laundry, picking up groceries, finishing up last minute homework issues, preparing a decent meal for the evening and answering the phone and door bell all throughout the day and evening. It seems that everyone else has their Sundays free and would like to visit and/or chat with me, but I’m usually up to my eyeballs with other important issues of the day.
Sunday night is the worst, I start getting a bit anxious thinking of the week ahead and what lies ahead of me, and what is going to throw me for a loop, etc. But I usually get through it all and wake up Monday morning ready to face the day with a smile on my face.
My Christmas Wish List- Thanks for asking Mom!
My mother has emailed me asking me to provide her with my wish list for this year’s Christmas gift exchange that I am planning on going home to in a few weeks. I can’t wait to see the family, I just got to see them over Thanksgiving, but time went way too quickly and then I found myself back here, on my own, in no time.
I’m glad that I will have one whole week to kick back in my old room and have plenty of time to see and talk with everyone that I have plans with. I know that I will be taking with me some school work that will need some of my attention, but hopefully it won’t be too awfully much.
I’m getting to work right away in sending my mom my long list this year, now that I am out on my own I’m finding the need for all types of items that I just took for granted while living at home and I don’t have a lot of cash to throw into the place at this time.
Thanks for asking Mom!
Busy Days
I believe that I picked a crazy time of the year in order to take on a whole new blogging and WordPress adventure, but I’m going to try and am anxious to learn all the neat new things that have been coming out for me to discover here. Several of my friends are blogging and I’ve been hearing a lot about it lately.
You see the Holiday Season is now in full swing, we just got Thanksgiving over and done with, it was good, but pretty stressful. And now Christmas is only a few weeks away and I have my studies (I’m in my first year of college away from home) that need my attention as well as getting my gifts purchased and wrapped in time.